
This is my customized vimium shortcuts

This is my version of the customized shortcut for vimium. I wanted to use the meta key for all the shortcut that I want to I unmapped all the keys and added my custom ones.

Keyboard Bindings

Modifier keys are specified as <c-x>, <m-x>, and <a-x> for ctrl+x, meta+x, and alt+x respectively.

For Original content please see README.md

Remove these to the Custom key mapping

# reload
unmap r

# openCopiedUrlInCurrentTab
unmap p

# goUp
unmap gu

# goToRoot
unmap gU

# enterInsertMode
unmap i

# enterVisualMode
unmap v

# enterVisualLineMode
unmap V

# goBack
unmap H

# goForward
unmap L

# createTab
unmap t

# previousTab
unmap J
unmap gT

# nextTab
unmap K
unmap gt    

# visitPreviousTab
unmap ^

# firstTab
unmap g0

# lastTab
unmap g$

# duplicateTab
unmap yt

# togglePinTab
unmap <a-p>   

# toggleMuteTab
unmap <a-m>

# removeTab
unmap x

# restoreTab
unmap X

# moveTabToNewWindow
unmap W

# moveTabLeft
unmap <<

# moveTabRight
unmap >>

Add these mappings with better shortcuts

map <m-r> reload
map <c-left> goBack
map <c-left> goForward


Navigating the page
j, <c-e> Scroll down (scrollDown)	           
k, <c-y> Scroll up (scrollUp)	           
gg       Scroll to the top of the page (scrollToTop)	     
G        Scroll to the bottom of the page (scrollToBottom)	     
d        Scroll a half page down (scrollPageDown)	     
u        Scroll a half page up (scrollPageUp)      
         Scroll a full page down (scrollFullPageDown)  
         Scroll a full page up (scrollFullPageUp)	 
h        Scroll left (scrollLeft)	     
l        Scroll right (scrollRight)	     
zH       Scroll all the way to the left (scrollToLeft)	     
zL       Scroll all the way to the right (scrollToRight)	     
r        Reload the page (reload)	     
yy       Copy the current URL to the clipboard (copyCurrentUrl)	     
p        Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab (openCopiedUrlInCurrentTab)	     
P        Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab (openCopiedUrlInNewTab)	     
gu       Go up the URL hierarchy (goUp)	     
gU       Go to root of current URL hierarchy (goToRoot)	     
i        Enter insert mode (enterInsertMode)	     
v        Enter visual mode (enterVisualMode)	     
V        Enter visual line mode (enterVisualLineMode)      
         Pass the next key to the page (passNextKey)	 
gi       Focus the first text input on the page (focusInput)	     
f        Open a link in the current tab (LinkHints.activateMode)	     
F        Open a link in a new tab (LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab)      
         Open a link in a new tab & switch to it (LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewForegroundTab)	 
<a-f>    Open multiple links in a new tab (LinkHints.activateModeWithQueue)          
         Download link url (LinkHints.activateModeToDownloadLink)  
         Open a link in incognito window (LinkHints.activateModeToOpenIncognito)	 
yf       Copy a link URL to the clipboard (LinkHints.activateModeToCopyLinkUrl)	     
[[       Follow the link labeled previous or < (goPrevious)	     
]]       Follow the link labeled next or > (goNext)	     
gf       Select the next frame on the page (nextFrame)	     
gF       Select the page's main/top frame (mainFrame)	     
m        Create a new mark (Marks.activateCreateMode)	     
`        Go to a mark (Marks.activateGotoMode)      

Using the vomnibar
o        Open URL, bookmark or history entry (Vomnibar.activate)	     
O        Open URL, bookmark or history entry in a new tab (Vomnibar.activateInNewTab)	     
b        Open a bookmark (Vomnibar.activateBookmarks)	     
B        Open a bookmark in a new tab (Vomnibar.activateBookmarksInNewTab)	     
T        Search through your open tabs (Vomnibar.activateTabSelection)	     
ge       Edit the current URL (Vomnibar.activateEditUrl)	     
gE       Edit the current URL and open in a new tab (Vomnibar.activateEditUrlInNewTab)      
Using find
/        Enter find mode (enterFindMode)	     
n        Cycle forward to the next find match (performFind)	     
N        Cycle backward to the previous find match (performBackwardsFind)      

Navigating history
H        Go back in history (goBack)	     
L        Go forward in history (goForward)      

Manipulating tabs
t        Create new tab (createTab)	     
J, gT    Go one tab left (previousTab)	         
K, gt    Go one tab right (nextTab)	         
^        Go to previously-visited tab (visitPreviousTab)	     
g0       Go to the first tab (firstTab)	     
g$       Go to the last tab (lastTab)	     
yt       Duplicate current tab (duplicateTab)	     
<a-p>    Pin or unpin current tab (togglePinTab)	         
<a-m>    Mute or unmute current tab (toggleMuteTab)	         
x        Close current tab (removeTab)	     
X        Restore closed tab (restoreTab)	     
W        Move tab to new window (moveTabToNewWindow)      
         Close tabs on the left (closeTabsOnLeft)  
         Close tabs on the right (closeTabsOnRight)  
         Close all other tabs (closeOtherTabs)	 
<<       Move tab to the left (moveTabLeft)	     
>>       Move tab to the right (moveTabRight)      

?        Show help (showHelp)	     
gs       View page source (toggleViewSource)