
LAMA.JS is a Cross-Platform Web Application Template.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

lama.js logo

LAMA.JS is a framework to build cross-platform and cross-device HTML/CSS/JavaScript applications that have the look and feel of a native app. Create seamless applications with minimal effort from scratch or power your existing application by simply integrating lama.js into it. Create standalone applications using just Sublime Text or any other code editors.

  • Now its easy to create beautiful looking applications using lama.js.*

Browser and Device Support

lama aims to create applications that are compatible with all browsers and devices. Every feature in the framework is tested on multiple browsers and devices.


For a live demo, visit lama.js on desktop or mobile.


Copy all files from www/js, www/css and www/fonts to your applications www folder. Add these lines in the head tag of index.html as:

<!-- lama CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/lama.css" />
<!-- Font-Family CSS -->
<link href='./css/font-family.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Add these lines before closing body tag of index.html as:

<!-- lama -->
<script src="./js/lama.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Initialize lama and create an instance in your index.js file

var demo = lama.init();

Add a div element inside the body element of index.html

    <div id="container">
    //app body content goes here

The following features are available in lama framework

lamacookee navigation menu

To add a lamacookee menu setup lama and add this code above the container element of index.html. It should look like this.

    <ul id="lama-menu">
    <li class="lama-item"><a href="#">Item one</a></li>
    <li class="lama-item"><a href="#">Item two</a></li>
    <li class="lama-item"><a href="#">Item three</a></li>
    <li class="lama-item"><a href="#">Item four</a></li>

    //All other content must come under the container div element below this ul tag.
    <div id="container">
    //app body content goes here

Then in your index.js file, call lamamenu to initialize the lamacookee navigation.



Logs a message to console

var msg = "This is a message!";


Shows an elegant notification message. Leave 'type' as blank for default notification

demo.notify("This is a default notification");

demo.notify("This is an alert notification","alert");

demo.notify("This is an error notification","error");

demo.notify("This is a success notification","success");

Sets the content of the containing body element

var content = "<p>This is the content!</p>";

Sets the style of the target element. Use '#elementID' for an element with id and '.class' for elements in a class

var style = '{"backgroundColor":"Red", "color":"White"}';
demo.setStyle(style, "#classID");


demo.setStyle(style, ".className");

Returns a DOM element which has star ratings (maximum 10 star rating)

var rating = demo.createStarCard("lama" ,"./images/logo.png" ,5);

Adds DOM element to containing body


Shows a loading element


Hides the loading element



I welcome pull requests from all! Thanks in advance!


Created and Maintained by Praveen Manoharan. Licensed under MIT.