FORK OF MBZDB 1- Edit to match your environment. 2- Edit or to match your database environment. 3- Run ./ You may need to install the following CPAN modules in order to proceed: perl -MCPAN -e install LWP::UserAgent perl -MCPAN -e install DBI perl -MCPAN -e install DBD::Pg perl -MCPAN -e install DBD::mysql ===== Version log ===== 5.0 * Full support for NGS for both PostgreSQL and MySQL. * is now split so that each backend gets its own relevant settings file. * A few minor bug fixes. 7.0 * Allow parts of the init script to run in batch mode and/or in parallel: ** Create tables: ./ --action=2 --ask=0 ** Download mbdump: ./ --action=10 --ask=0 ** Uncompress mbdump: ./ --action=11 --ask=0 --bzip="/usr/bin/pbzip2 -m10240 -p16 -r -v" --pipe-bzip=1 --parallel=1 *** Note at the moment pbzip2 can't make use of all cores when decompressing because of the format of the mbdump files created by MuscBrainz. ** Load data: ./ --action=4 --ask=0 * After that, you can continue the database creation using the 5, 6 & 7 options from the interactive menu (indexing, foreign keys creation, plugins initialization). ===== Further improvements ===== Some ideas may be worth looking at: * Create primary keys before LOAD DATA: