• need to use firebase array
  • need two tabs - gods view/ detail view
  • in god view need - to show all drivers with in same zoom
  • need tool tip with name and phone number
  • need list in the second tab - where on click - need to show individual map data
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/4.1.3/firebase.js"></script> <script> // Initialize Firebase var config = { apiKey: "AIzaSyC3AFp66yHrTS5OzC1KogV88iklAAcYF5Q", authDomain: "loctoc-interview.firebaseapp.com", databaseURL: "https://loctoc-interview.firebaseio.com", projectId: "loctoc-interview", storageBucket: "loctoc-interview.appspot.com", messagingSenderId: "744754369626" }; firebase.initializeApp(config); </script>
  • tooltip should not close
  • with custom html
  • map should be empty