
A solver for the game of Tak as described in Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles.

Primary LanguagePython


Hi, I am Taktics, a bot for Tak, a board game invented by James Earnest and Patrick Rothfuss. It was introduced in Wise Man's fear, the second book of the Kingkiller Chronicles, a fantasy series by Rothfuss. Tak in the fantasy series is an equivalent of chess or cherkers in our world.

It is traditional to give a punny name to tak bots. To discuss more about the game you can go to the tak subreddit.


About the bot

The bot is uses MCTS and alpha-beta pruning. The bitboard design is taken from Taktician.


Praveen Kulkarni
Aniket Bajpai

This code was written as part of a Artifical Intelligence course in IIT Delhi, taught by Prof Mausam in 2016.