
Neo4j Connector for Almaren Framework

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Neo4j Connector

Build Status

libraryDependencies += "com.github.music-of-the-ainur" %% "neo4j-almaren" % "0.1.0-2.4"

Neo4j Connector was implemented using https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-spark-connector. For more details check the following link.

spark-shell --master "local[*]" --packages "com.github.music-of-the-ainur:almaren-framework_2.11:0.5.0-2.4,com.github.music-of-the-ainur:neo4j-almaren_2.11:0.1.0-2.4"

Source and Target



Parameters Description
url The url of the Neo4j instance to connect to
---- ----
Options Description
------------ -------------------------
authentication.basic.username Username to use for basic authentication type
authentication.basic.password Username to use for basic authentication type
authentication.custom.credentials These are the credentials authenticating the principal
labels labels is a name or identifier to a Node or a Relationship in Neo4j Database.
Nodes Nodes are often used to represent entities. The simplest possible graph is a single node.
Relationship A relationship connects two nodes. Relationships organize nodes into structures, allowing a graph to resemble a list, a tree, a map, or a compound entity — any of which may be combined into yet more complex, richly inter-connected structures.

For More Driver options check the following link


import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Column, DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.scalatest._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import com.github.music.of.the.ainur.almaren.Almaren
import com.github.music.of.the.ainur.almaren.builder.Core.Implicit
import com.github.music.of.the.ainur.almaren.neo4j.Neo4j.Neo4jImplicit

  val almaren = Almaren("neo4j-almaren")

  val df = almaren.builder
      Map("labels" -> "Person")



Parameters Description
url The url of the Neo4j instance to connect to
-------- ------
Options Description
authentication.basic.username Username to use for basic authentication type
authentication.basic.password Username to use for basic authentication type
authentication.custom.credentials These are the credentials authenticating the principal
SaveMode SaveMode is used to specify the expected behavior of saving a DataFrame to a data source.
node.keys Comma separated list of properties considered as node keys in case of you’re using SaveMode.Overwrite

For More Driver options check the following link


import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Column, DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.scalatest._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import com.github.music.of.the.ainur.almaren.Almaren
import com.github.music.of.the.ainur.almaren.builder.Core.Implicit
import com.github.music.of.the.ainur.almaren.neo4j.Neo4j.Neo4jImplicit

  val almaren = Almaren("neo4j-almaren")

  val df = almaren.builder
    .sourceSql("select * from person_info")
      Map("labels" -> "Person"),