
A web based application for translating audio to ISL (Indian Sign Language) to aid deaf people implemented through concepts of AI and ML using Python libraries using NLP semantics.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web based application for translating audio to ISL (Indian Sign Language) to aid deaf people implemented throughconcepts of AI and ML using Python libraries using NLP semantics. It takes an speech input, python script parses it and then the parsed language is enacted by the avatar with the help HamnoSys and Sigml files(Sign Markup Language). The above repositort does not contain all the sigml files.Click on this link to download all sigml files and then copy the content of sigml files into the given sigml folder (This is because github does not allow more than 100 files to be uploaded)

Installation Guide

1. Install pyaudio module

2. Install python speech recognition module

3. import stanford libraries list of all the libraries can be viewed from file parse.py

You are all set to go

Running the code

Open the terminal and run the command : python a.py

Say Something!!(The code will parse your speech and avatar will enact your phrase. To watch the live play visit the link given below)

For more info, go to Enchuletta
Author : Sahil Khosla