
Because life's too short to waste time re-typing passwords.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hide/show password plugin for jQuery/Zepto

Because life's too short to waste time re-typing passwords.

This plugin lets you easily hide and reveal the contents of a password input field. It's based on a mobile design pattern documented in this post by Luke Wroblewski and seen in apps like Polar.


hideShowPassword.js requires either jQuery or Zepto, the latter with a few caveats...

Using Zepto

Before you can use this plugin with Zepto, you'll need to make sure you've included the data module in your Zepto build (it is not included by default). You can do this by grabbing the vendor/zepto.custom.js file from this very repo, or building Zepto yourself.

If you plan on using the inner toggle feature of this plugin, be aware that Zepto does not include the same methods for CSS dimensions as jQuery. The plugin will fall back to the .width() and .height() methods if .outerWidth() and .outerHeight() are not available. Set your inputs' box-sizing to border-box to avoid any issues related to padding or incorrect dimensions, or include your own outer dimension plugins.

Enabling touch enhancements

The plugin will not assume that touch is supported unless you tell it by specifying a value for the touchSupport option. Refer to the demo and usage examples to see how you can do this using Modernizr.


If all you need to do is change a password field's visibility, you can use the shorthand methods:

$('#password').showPassword(); // Reveal
$('#password').hidePassword(); // Hide
$('#password').togglePassword(); // Toggle

You can do the same thing by passing true, false or 'toggle' to the hideShowPassword method:

$('#password').hideShowPassword(true); // Reveal
$('#password').hideShowPassword(false); // Hide
$('#password').hideShowPassword('toggle'); // Toggle

If you want to tweak more than the visibility, you can pass an object to hideShowPassword:

    show: true, // Reveal the password
    innerToggle: true, // Create an inner toggle
    hideToggleUntil: 'focus', // Hide the toggle till focus
    touchSupport: Modernizr.touch // Enable touch enhancements

See the options section for detailed descriptions of what's available, and the demo for examples.


If you need to respond to changes to the password field's visibility, you can use the passwordShown and passwordHidden events:

$('#password').on('passwordShown', function () {
    console.log('password is visible');
}).on('passwordHidden', function () {
    console.log('password is hidden');

You can change the names of the events in the options.


You can pass an options object to the hideShowPassword method to customize it to your liking.

Here are all the options and their defaults:

    // Visibility of the password text. Can be true, false, 'toggle'
    // or 'infer'. If 'toggle', it will be the opposite of whatever
    // it currently is. If 'infer', it will be based on the input
    // type (false if 'password', otherwise true).
    show: 'infer',

    // Set to true to create an inner toggle for this input.
    innerToggle: false,

    // Specify an event for the input that should make the innerToggle
    // visible. If false, the toggle will be immediately visible.
    // Example: 'focus'
    hideToggleUntil: false,

    // By default, the innerToggle will work like any old clickable
    // element. If this is set to true, it will use touch-optimized
    // events so you can tap it on a touch device without losing
    // your input focus. If you've included Modernizr with the
    // touchevents test, you should set this value to Modernizr.touch.
    touchSupport: false,

    // Event to use for inner toggle when touchSupport is false.
    toggleEvent: 'click',

    // ...and when touchSupport is true.
    toggleTouchEvent: 'touchstart mousedown',

    // When innerToggle is true, the input needs to be wrapped in
    // a containing element. You can specify the class name of this
    // element here. Useful for custom styles.
    wrapperClass: 'hideShowPassword-wrapper',

    // Class name for the inner toggle.
    toggleClass: 'hideShowPassword-toggle',

    // The states object includes settings specific to the "shown"
    // or "hidden" states of the input field.
    states: {

      // These settings are applied when the password text is
      // visible (show: true).
      shown: {

        // Class to apply to the input element.
        inputClass: 'hideShowPassword-shown',

        // Event to trigger on the input.
        eventName: 'passwordShown',

        // Class to apply to the toggle.
        toggleClass: 'hideShowPassword-toggle-hide',

        // Text of the toggle element.
        toggleText: 'Hide',

        // Property values to apply to the input element.
        attr: {
          'type': 'text',
          'autocapitalize': 'off',
          'autocomplete': 'off',
          'autocorrect': 'off',
          'spellcheck': 'false'

      // Settings when text is hidden (show: false).
      hidden: {
        inputClass: 'hideShowPassword-hidden',
        eventName: 'passwordHidden',
        toggleClass: 'hideShowPassword-toggle-show',
        toggleText: 'Show',
        attr: { 'type': 'password' }

    // When innerToggle is true, some elements are styled based
    // on their width. Unless box-sizing is set to border-box,
    // outerWidth() is a more reliable method than width(), but it is
    // not included with Zepto. If you plan to include your own plugin
    // for determining width, you can specify its key as a string to
    // override these defaults.
    widthMethod: ($.fn.outerWidth === undef) ? 'width' : 'outerWidth',
    heightMethod: ($.fn.outerHeight === undef) ? 'height' : 'outerHeight'

Known issues

Competing control in IE10 (Windows 8)

Internet Explorer 10 includes its own control for toggling password visibility that can compete with this plugin when enabled.

You can disable this control for any element by specifying a style for the ::ms-reveal pseudo-class:

::-ms-reveal { display: none !important; }

More info on MSDN.

Toggle quirks in invisible elements

If you attach the plugin to an input element in an invisible container with inputToggle set to true, when the container becomes visible the width and toggle position may be off. This is because the plugin can't read any width, height or position values, which prevents it from doing the small amount of adjustments it needs.

There are two remedies to this issue. One is to use CSS to overtly adjust the position of the elements:

.hideShowPassword-wrapper { width: 100% }
.hideShowPassword-toggle { margin-top: -19px !important }

The other is to defer instantiation of the plugin until you know its container will be available. Here's a hypothetical Bootstrap tabs example:

$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function (e) {
  $(e.target).find('[type="password"]').hideShowPassword({ innerToggle: true });