
A sample GRPC server that provides a gateway to Pravega

Primary LanguageJava

Pravega gRPC Gateway


This is a sample GRPC server that provides a gateway to Pravega. It provides limited Pravega functionality to any environment that support GRPC, including Python.

Using a GRPC gateway is better than a REST gateway for the following reasons:

  • GRPC streaming is used for reading and writing events. This allows the Pravega connection to remain open for the life of the streaming request. Within a streaming request, any number of read or write operations can be performed. In the case of writing, these can also be wrapped in transactions. Events can be marked to commit the current transaction and open a new one.

  • GRPC uses Protobuf for efficient serialization. REST/JSON requires base64 encoding of binary data which is less efficient.

  • GRPC stubs (client code) can be easily created for nearly any language and environment.

Running Pravega gRPC Gateway

Running Locally

  1. Make sure to have JDK-8 & JRE-8 in your system.

  2. Save Pravega Controller Running address in environment. Change localhost and 9090 according to your setup.

    export PRAVEGA_CONTROLLER=tcp://localhost:9090
  3. Run gradlew file.

    ./gradlew run
  4. Pravega gRPC Gateway would be running at Port 54672.

Running in Docker

  1. Save Pravega Controller Running address in environment. Change localhost and 9090 according to your setup.

    export PRAVEGA_CONTROLLER=tcp://localhost:9090
  2. Run the following commands to have Pravega gRPC Gateway Up & Running at Port 54672.

    export DOCKER_REPOSITORY=claudiofahey
    export IMAGE_TAG=0.7.0
    docker run -d \
    --restart always \
    -p 54672:80 \
    --name pravega-grpc-gateway \

Running in Dell EMC Streaming Data Platform (SDP)

  1. Edit the file charts/pravega-grpc-gateway/values.yaml as needed. You will need to set pravega.controller and service.annotations.external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname to match your environment.

  2. Build and then deploy using Helm.

    export DOCKER_REPOSITORY=claudiofahey
    export IMAGE_TAG=0.7.0
    export NAMESPACE=examples

Accessing Pravega gRPC Gateway using Python 3

Using Virtual Enivornment

  1. Create & Enabling Virtual Enivornment.

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  2. Run to following command to install Pravega gRPC Client in your environment.

    git clone https://github.com/pravega/pravega-grpc-gateway /tmp/pravega-grpc-gateway && \
    cd /tmp/pravega-grpc-gateway && \
    pip install grpcio pravega-grpc-gateway/src/main/python
  3. Run integration_test1.py for confirming the Setup & Connection. Do Change Pravega gRPC Gateway IP & Port in integration_test1.py, according to your setup.

Using Conda Environment

  1. Install Miniconda Python 3.7.

  2. Create Conda environment.

    git clone https://github.com/pravega/pravega-grpc-gateway 
    cd pravega-grpc-gateway/pravega-grpc-gateway/
  3. Activate Conda Environemnt.

    conda activate ./env
  4. Install Pravega gRPC Gateway Client.

    pip install -e src/main/python
  5. Run integration_test1.py for confirming the Setup & Connection. Do Change Pravega gRPC Gateway IP & Port in integration_test1.py, according to your setup.



Replace pravega-grpc-gateway.example.com:80 with your Host IP & Port of Pravega gRPC Gateway.

import grpc
import pravega.grpc_gateway as pravega
gateway = 'pravega-grpc-gateway.example.com:80'
pravega_channel = grpc.insecure_channel(gateway, options=[
        ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', 9*1024*1024),
pravega_client = pravega.grpc.PravegaGatewayStub(pravega_channel)

Write Events to a Stream

events_to_write = (pravega.pb.WriteEventsRequest(
        event=('%d,%s' % (i, datetime.datetime.now())).encode('UTF-8'),
    ) for i in range(10))

Read Events From a Stream

read_events_request = pravega.pb.ReadEventsRequest(
for event in pravega_client.ReadEvents(read_events_request):

More Examples

  1. event_generator.py contains example for writing into stream.

  2. event_reader.py contains example for reading from stream event by event.

  3. batch_reader.py contains example for reading stream into batches.

  4. integration_test1.py contains bunch of implementation (eg. Truncating & Deleting Stream).

  5. See pravega.proto for all available RPCs.

Developer Corner

Rebuilding Python gRPC Stub for Pravega gRPC Gateway

This section is only needed if you make changes to the pravega.proto file.

This will build the Python files necessary to allow a Python application to call this gateway.

  1. Create Python environment as shown above.

  2. Run Protobuf compiler.
