
Random Program Generator WEB API with c#

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0



Requirements: The design and programming exercise is to create a random poem generator using the following grammatical rules:

POEM: LINE: || $LINEBREAK ADJECTIVE: black|white|dark|light|bright|murky|muddy|clear ||$END NOUN: heart|sun|moon|thunder|fire|time|wind|sea|river|flavor|wave|willow|rain|tree|flower|field|meadow|pasture|harvest|wate father|mother|brother|sister ||$END PRONOUN: my|your|his|her | VERB: runs|walks|stands|climbs|crawls|flows|flies|transcends|ascends|descends|sinks ||$END REPOSITION: above|across|against|along|among|around|before|behind|beneath|beside|between|beyond|during|inside|onto|outside|under|underneath|upon|with|without|through || To the left of the colon is the name of the rule To the right of the colon is the rule definition which can consist of words, keywords and references to other rules. A reference to another rule is marked with angle brackets, for example . Rules can reference themselves, making them recursive. Keywords are marked with $. There are two keywords: LINEBREAK and END. LINEBREAK adds a line break to the output, END marks that the end of a line has been reached. This means that a line can only end with an adjective, a noun or a verb. A grouping of elements separated by | means that one of those elements should be selected at random. Anything else that is plain text can be considered a word, for example murky or heart. For example, the rule PRONOUN is defined as my|your|his|her | which means that one of the words my, your, his or her should be selected at random followed by either a NOUN or an ADJECTIVE, also selected at random. Write a program which parses the grammatical rules from a text file, then uses the parsed data to generate a random poem. Here is an example of what the output might look like:

my sun among her white meadow moon upon my light moon your rain climbs her murky bright clear willow