
PhoneGap Plugin for the Dropbox Sync API (Android Version)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PhoneGap Plugin for the Dropbox Sync API (Android Version)

A PhoneGap plugin for the Dropbox Sync API.

Read my blog post here

Sample Usage

Link to Dropbox:


List the Dropbox App's root folder:

dropbox.listFolder("/").done(function(files) {
    // each object in files have properties: path, modifiedTime, size, and isFolder.

Upload a file to Dropbox:

var localFileUri = "file:///storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/SomeVideo.mp4";
var dropboxFolderPath = "/someFolder";

dropbox.uploadFile(localFileUri, dropboxFolderPath).done(function() {
    // dropboxFolderPath is the Dropbox folder you want to upload the file into.

Upload a folder to Dropbox:

var localFileUri = "file:///storage/sdcard0";
var dropboxFolderPath = "/someFolder";
var doRecursive = true;

dropbox.uploadFolder(localFileUri, dropboxFolderPath, doRecursive).done(function() {
    // dropboxFolderPath is the Dropbox folder you want to upload the files/folders into.
    // The folder upload can be done recursively by passing true in the 3rd parameter.

Open a Dropbox file:

var filePath = "/foo/bar.jpg";

dropbox.openFile(filePath).done(function() {
    // Android device will either open the file with the proper external application
    // installed on your device or ask you which application to use.

Create a new folder in Dropbox:

var folderPath = "/foo/bar";

dropbox.createFolder(folderPath).done(function() {
    // Creates a new folder, including parent folders if necessary.

Delete a file/folder in Dropbox:

var filePath = "/foo/bar.json";

dropbox.deleteFile(filePath).done(function() {
    // Deletes a file, or recursively deletes a folder.

Read a file in Dropbox:

var filePath = "/foo/bar.json";

dropbox.readString(filePath).done(function(result) {
    // Reads the contents of a file (result is a string).

Get the Base64 decoded string from an image in Dropbox (use an image from Dropbox in your app):

var filePath = "foobar.jpg";

dropbox.getImageBase64String(filePath).done(function(result) {
    $('#image').attr('src', "data:image/jpeg;base64," + result);
    // result is the Base64-encoded string.

Note: This plugin requires jQuery 1.5+ for the Deferred Object.


- Removed use of the "getImageBase64String" & "readString" methods in the sample app. Now Android device will either open the file with proper external application installed on your device or ask you which application to use.

- Added ability to delete files/folders and create new folders in the Dropbox plugin.
- Updated sample app UI with Topcoat Effeckts. Added Topcoat overlay and off screen nav menu with Effeckt CSS that uses webkit animations and transforms.
- Added a fix to the viewport in the sample app for Android 4.4 and higher.

- Updated sample app to PhoneGap 3.4.0 and added pull to refresh feature on Dropbox list.

- Added iScroll 5 and a scroll caching feature to the sample app.

- The sample app is now using handlebars.js, fastclick.js, and pageslider.js
- Only 1 view is in the DOM at a time now, this improved performance a lot
- The sample app requires API 19 (Android 4.4.2) SDK to build and run. This is a result of upgrading to PhoneGap 3.3.1