
Demo app for HireEZ AstraDB GenAI/Vector search usecase

Primary LanguagePython

Leave-behind Enterprise Sidekick

This Enterprise Sidekick is build specifically as a multi-tenant, reusable and configurable sample app to share with enterprises or prospects. It focusses on the interaction between the Astra DB Vector Store and the Foundational Large Language Model as your data is the only thing that provides a Sustainable Competitive Advantage.



  1. 🤩 It leverages DataStax RAGStack for production-ready use of the following components:
    • 🚀 The Astra DB Vector Store for Semantic Similarity search to enable Retrieval Augmented Generation
    • 🧠 Short Term Memory through Astra DB to keep track of what was said and generated
    • 🦜🔗 LangChain for linking OpenAI and Astra DB
  2. 👑 It uses Streamlit as the framework to easily create Web Applications


  1. The Chatbot allows for new Content to be uploaded, Vectorized and Stored into the Astra DB Vector Database so it can be used as Context

    • Through PDFs and Text files
    • And through URLs, scraping web pages automatically
  2. The Sidekick will turn pictures into relevant prompts

  3. Integration with Langsmith for Tracing of queries, prompts and context from the Astra DB Vector Store

  4. As there is No AI Without Data the Chatbot has a laserfocus on the integration of the Astra DB Vector Store with the OpenAI Chat Model with the following options:

    • Enable/Disable Chat Memory
    • Set Top-K for Chat Memory
    • Delete the Chat Memory at any given time
    • Enable/Disable the Vector Store
    • Set Top-K for the Vector Store
    • Select the following option as RAG strategy:
      • Basic Retrieval
      • Maximal Marginal Relevance
      • Fusion
    • Select from the following Promps:
      • Short results
      • Extended results
      • Use a Custom Prompt
  5. It uses a StreamingCallbackHandler to stream output to the screen which prevents having to wait for the final answer

Multi Tenancy

Specifically for multi-tenancy and configurability:

  1. It offers a configurable localization through localization.csv with default languages of us_US and nl_NL.
  2. It offers a guided experience on-rails through rails.csv
  3. It offers a customizable welcome page for a specific organization

1️⃣ Preparations

This Chatbot assumes you have access to a Github account.

And you need to gain access to the following by signing up for free:

  1. DataStax Astra DB (you can sign up through your Github account)
  2. OpenAI account (you can sign up through your Github account)
  3. Streamlit to deploy your amazing app (you can sign up through your Github account)

Follow the below steps and provide the Astra DB API Endpoint, Astra DB ApplicationToken and OpenAI API Key when required.

Sign up for Astra DB

Make sure you have a vector-capable Astra database (get one for free at astra.datastax.com)

  • You will be asked to provide the API Endpoint which can be found in the right pane underneath Database details.
  • Ensure you have an Application Token for your database which can be created in the right pane underneath Database details.

Sign up for OpenAI

Sign up for Streamlit

Follow the steps outlined here.

Install the Python dependencies

Install the Python dependencies using:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set up the secrets

Then update the OpenAI, AstraDB and optionally LangSmith secrets in streamlit-langchain/.streamlit/secrets.toml. There is an example provided at secrets.toml.example.

2️⃣ Customization

Now it's time to customize the app for your specific situation or customers.

Step 1

Define credentials by adding a new username and password in the [passwords] section in streamlit-langchain/.streamlit/secrets.toml.

Step 2

Define the UI language of the app by adding a localization code in the [languages] section in streamlit-langchain/.streamlit/secrets.toml. Currently en_US and nl_NL are supported. However it is easy to add additional languages in localization.csv.

Step 3

Create a guided experience by providing sample prompts in rails.csv. The convention here is that <username> from Step 1 is used to define the experience.

Step 4

Start up the app and pre-load relevant PDF and Text files so that the app has content that can be used as context for the questions/prompts in the next step. All this data will be loaded into a user specific table defined by <username>.

Step 5

Create a customized welcome page in the root folder. The convention here is to create a markdown file called <username>.md. Ideally, list which files have been pre-loaded.

3️⃣ Getting started

You're ready to run the app as follows:

streamlit run app.py

In addition to the pre-loaded content, a user can add additional content that will be used as context for prompts.

4️⃣ Let's deploy this cool stuff to Streamlit cloud!

In this step we'll deploy your awesome app to the internet so everyone can enjoy your cool work and be amazed!

Set up your Streamlit account

If you have not do so before, please set up your account on Streamlit. When you already have an account skip to the next step and deploy the app.

  1. Head over to Streamlit.io and clikc Sign up. Then select Continue with Github:


  2. Log in using your Github credentials:


  3. Now authorize Streamlit:


  4. And set up your account:


Deploy your app

On the main screen, when logged in, click New app.

  1. When this is your first deployment, provide additional permissions:


  2. Now define your application settings. Use YOUR repository name, and name the Main file path as app_7.py. Pick a cool App URL as you'll app will be deployed to that:


  3. Click on Advanced, select Python 3.11 and copy-paste the contents from your secrets.toml.

Click Deploy! Wait for a bit and your app is online for everyone to use!

⛔️ Warning

Be aware that this app is public and uses your OpenAI account which will incur cost. You'll want to shield it off by clicking Settings->Sharing in the main screen and define the email addresses that are allowed access. In order to enable this, link your Google account.

Python environments

In case you want to run all of the above locally, it's useful to create a Virtual Environment. Use the below to set it up:

python3 -m venv myenv

Then activate it as follows:

source myenv/bin/activate   # on Linux/Mac
myenv\Scripts\activate.bat  # on Windows

Now you can start installing packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

In order to check which packages have been installed:

pip3 freeze

Which you can save to requirements.txt if you want:

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt