
Rest API for Todobackend on top of Cassandra

Primary LanguageJava

✨ Building Microservice for Apache Cassandra™ ✨

Gitpod ready-to-code License Apache2 Discord

"In this repository, you'll find everything you need related to the Cassandra Developer Workshop Build Java Microservices for Apache Cassandra. The first live stream will be June 17th. Past this date the README.MD will be updated with the recording. Feel free to bookmark this page for future reference, Enjoy"! - The Developer Advocates Team.


Cassandra Developer Workshops are an interactive experience. Advocates share knowledge about Apache Cassandra™ databases and you interact with them through chats (youtube and discord), quizzes (menti.com), and exercises.

Today we are creating the Todo Application with storage in Apache Cassandra™.


Table of Content

For simplicity all exercise instructions are listed in a single README.MD document. As it is quite long we provide a table of contents after each chapter so you can go back to it.

Sections Material Description
Slide deck Slidedeck for the workshop
1. Bootstrapping Setup your environment
2. Run the Todo Application Run the Todo Application
3. Create your Astra instance Create your Astra instance
4. Connectivity to Astra Connectivity to Cassandra
5. CRUD Repository Implement CRUD Repository
6. CRUD Repository Object Mapper Test Object Mapper
7. CRUD Repository Spring Data Test with Spring DATA

1. Bootstrapping

There are 2 ways to do the exercises, locally on your computer and with a cloud-based IDE named Gitpod. We recommend you to use your laptop in order to save code modifications and come back later. In both cases you should start by cloning the repository and download everything (including slides).

  • Option A - Work with a 100% Cloud-based Environment ☁️

✅ Open gitpod : Gitpod is an IDE 100% online based on Eclipse Theia. To initialize your environment simply click on the button below (CTRL + Click to open in new tab)

Open in Gitpod

Target url looks like https://<your_uid>.<your_region>.gitpod.io/#/workspace/microservices-java-workshop-online. These URL's are dynamic and we cannot provide clickable links in advance. You will need to copy-paste <your_uid>.<your_region> as we will insert them in each URL during the exercises.

⚠️ By default Autosaved is not enabled in Gitpod. Don't forget to save your modifications with CTRL+S

👁️ Expected output


That's it. Gitpod provides all tools we will need today including Maven and exporting port 8080. At initialization of the workspace we schedule a mvn clean install to download dependencies. You can still download the repository and bookmark it as all materials including slides are included.

  • Option B - Work with Local Environment 💻

This part is dedicated to people running the exercises on their laptop. You can skip it and go directly to 2. Run the Todo Application if you are using gitpod.

✅ (local env) Clone the repository : : With git or through the web UI clone the repo

# Clone the current repository
git clone https://github.com/DataStax-Academy/microservices-java-workshop-online.git

# Access the proper folder
cd microservices-java-workshop-online

✅ (local env) Install Java (JDK 11 +) Pick the proper infos based on your operating system

brew cask install java

✅ (local env) Install Maven

  • Windows Please use the following tutorial How to install Maven on Windows
  • linux. For CentOS you can use: sudo yum install maven
  • osx For MacOS you can use brew install maven

Validate installation

mvn -v

👁️ Expected output

Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3; 2018-10-24T20:41:47+02:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.0/libexec
Java version: 12, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-12.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: en_FR, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.15.3", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

✅ (local env) Install an IDE

Pick and install your favourite Java IDE. Here are some propositions without preference order.

Tools Download link
Eclipse STS 📥Download Eclipse Spring Tools Suite
Jetbrains IntelliJ 📥Download IntelliJ
Core Eclipse 📥Download Eclipse
Visual Studio Code 📥Downlowd Visual Code

🏠back to table of content

2. Run the Todo Application

TodoMVC is a fabulous community contribution that helps developers compare frameworks on the basis of actual project code, not just claims and anecdotes. TodoMVC is an immensely valuable attempt at a difficult problem - providing a structured way of comparing JS libraries and frameworks.


✅ Step 2a. Visit TodoMVC.com to discover what we are building today : We want you to see what it look like before starting anything. So simply access the URL http://todomvc.com/ and browse. You will see that there are multiple implementations, pick one of those and test it live in your browser.

Todo-Backend is a shared example to showcase backend tech stacks. The Todo-Backend project defines a simple web API spec - for managing a todo list. Contributors implement that spec using various tech stacks. Those implementations are cataloged below. A spec runner verifies that each contribution implements the exact same API, by running an automated test suite which defines the API.


There are multiple free implementations available. Some implementations provide endpoints to be tested in heroku. Heroku provide free hosting for a Java application but this is on-demand. With Heroku The application will be sleeping until you access the endpoint. So it will take 30s for the first person to have the application running. Among the available free endpoints we can list:

✅ Step 2b. Test TodoBackEnd Spec Runner : Locate the spec runner and use one of the endpoints listed above to evaluate if API matchs the requirements. To do so copy-paste one URL and click Run Tests.


Sample URL


👁️ Expected output


Note: During the live stream you will be hundreds testing the same endpoints so - maybe - we could hit some issues = race conditions.

✅ Step 2c. Test TodoBackEnd Web Client : todoBackend.com provides a client to work with the API. As before pick one of the endpoints listed before and try the client.


👁️ Expected output


Our mission withing the next hour is to implement the backend API and store data into Apache Cassandra™. We have you covered by providing the skeleton of the application.

✅ Step 2d. Start Backend API : By using a maven command or run application in your IDE

# Build the project without tests (you did not implemented them yet TDD baby !)
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

# Navigate to the proper folder
cd todobackend-cassandra/

# Start the backend API
mvn spring-boot:run

👁️ Expected output

[INFO] Reactor Summary for Spring microservices with Apache Cassandra 1.0-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Spring microservices with Apache Cassandra ......... SUCCESS [  0.004 s]
[INFO] + todobackend-cassandra ............................ SUCCESS [  0.122 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ________                __      __ __           .__                   
 \______ \   _______  __/  \    /  \  | __  _____|  |__   ____ ______  
  |    |  \_/ __ \  \/ /\   \/\/   /  |/ / /  ___/  |  \ /  _ \\____ \ 
  |    `   \  ___/\   /  \        /|    <  \___ \|   Y  (  <_> )  |_> >
 /_______  /\___  >\_/    \__/\  / |__|_ \/____  >___|  /\____/|   __/ 
         \/     \/             \/       \/     \/     \/       |__|    

 Backend API implementation of todobackend.com
 We are using SpringBoot and Apache Cassandra
 The application is started at http://localhost:8080  

14:54:54.773 INFO  com.datastax.sample.TodoBackendApplication         : Starting TodoBackendApplication on clunhost with PID 75757 (/Users/cedricklunven/dev/WORKSPACES/DATASTAX/microservices-java-workshop-online/wkshop-microservice-2-spring-boot/target/classes started by cedricklunven in /Users/cedricklunven/dev/WORKSPACES/DATASTAX/microservices-java-workshop-online/wkshop-microservice-2-spring-boot)
14:54:54.775 INFO  com.datastax.sample.TodoBackendApplication         : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
14:55:03.604 INFO  com.datastax.sample.TodoBackendApplication         : Started TodoBackendApplication in 1.075 seconds (JVM running for 1.492)

✅ Step 2e. Show Api Documentation : through your browser

  • 💻 If you are on your laptop : open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080

  • ☁️ If you are on gitpod : a popup may show up and redirect you to https://8080-<your_id>.<>your_region.gitpod.io as you can see this an alias for port 8080.

👁️ Expected output


✅ Step 2f. Test Backend API :using the OpenAPI generated documentation. You can open the GET bloc labeled /api/v1/todos/ and pick Try It Out. Then locate Execute to test the API and get a few results.

Note: For some resources /api/v1/todos/{task-id} you need to provide a valid UUID as a string. You can get the list of valid ones by invoking the operation GET /api/v1/todos/ first. The default value 6f6c5b47-4e23-4437-ada8-d0a6f79330a2 should work.

👁️ Expected output


✅ Step 2g. Test our Backend API against the spec runner : This REST API store data In memory but is 100% valid. We can validate by testing the same spec runner as before.

👁️ Expected output


✅ Step 2h. Test our Web Client UI against our Backend API : This is neat, the client and spec runner both work even with URL like localhost because this is some javascript code executed at client side.

Back the client UI change the URL to match you backend URL :

👁️ Expected output


HAHA OK, I changed a little bit the values but now this is working....


🏠 Back to Table of Content

3. Create your Astra instance

ASTRA service is available at url https://astra.datastax.com

✅ Step 3a.Register (if needed) and Sign In to Astra : You can use your Github, Google accounts or register with an email



✅ Step 3b. Fill the Create New Database Form : As you don't have have any instances the login will route through the instance creation form. You will find below which values to enter for each field.

  • Initialization Form TodoBackendClient

  • Set the Compute Size: For the work we are doing please use Free tier. You instance will be there forever, free of charge. If you already have a free tier db that you created in a previous workshop (killrvideo) you can reuse it.

  • Select region: This is the region where your database will reside physically (choose one close to you or your users). For people in EMEA please use europe-west-1 idea here is to reduce latency.

  • Fill in the database name - Proposed value dev-workshop-db. You can use any alphanumeric value it is not part of the connection fields. Now it will be part of a file downloaded later and you should avoid capital letters.

With the 3 fields below you can pick any name, simply REMIND them, they will be required both to connect and do the exercises.

  • Fill in the keyspace name - Proposed value todoapp (no spaces, alpha numeric)

  • Fill in the user name - todouser. Note the user name is case-sensitive. Please use the case we suggest here.

  • Fill in the user password - todopassword. Fill in both the password and the confirmation fields. Note that the password is also case-sensitive. Please use the case we suggest here.

  • Launch the database. Review all the fields to make sure they are as shown, and click the Launch Database button.

👁️ Expected output


✅ Step 3c. View your Database and connect : View your database. It may take 2-3 minutes for your database to spin up. You will receive an email at that point. But, go ahead and continue with the rest of the exercise now.

👁️ Expected output

Initializing TodoBackendClient

Database is ready TodoBackendClient

✅ Step 3d. Open DataStax Studio : Locate Launch Developer Studio on the bottom left part of the screen and click on Launch now. Please enter the same credentials you used for instance creation.


  • Fill in the Database User name - todouser. Note the user name is case-sensitive. Please use the case we suggest here.

  • Fill in the password - todopassword. Fill in both the password and the confirmation fields. Note that the password is also case-sensitive. Please use the case we suggest here.

👁️ Expected output


✅ Step 3e. Import a notebook : DataStax studio should now be opened.


  • Download locally the file datastax-studio-notebook.tar located in z-materials/notebooks/datastax-studio-notebook.tar here

  • Import the file in studio with a drag and drop in the Datastax studio window



File is now opened



🏠 Back to Table of Content

4. Connectivity to Astra

With our Cassandra-as-a-service instance ready let's connect from our application.

✅ Step 4a. Download the secure connect bundle : Go to home page. Process to a refresh (F5) of the page (the download link will be valid 5 min we want to be sure we don't reach the timeout). Locate link Download secure connect bundle and click. You should download a file named secure-connect-<your_db_name>.zip. Please remind the location of the file.


Save the file in a path you will remind, again we will need it for the next exercises.

✅ Step 4b. Upload the zip in gitpod : If you are working with gitpod the secure connect bundle needs to be uploaded there.

  • Select the root folder, name of the project and go to File > Upload Files..., locate the zip and import. (in our tests the menu File>Upload Files only when a folder is selected).


  • You can now see the file in the resources tree


The file path is located at /workspace/microservices-java-workshop-online/secure-connect-dev-workshop-db.zip (because my db name is dev-workshop-db).

✅ Step 4c. Fix unit test ConnectivityToAstraExplicitTest.java

  • Unit Tests are located in src/test/java HERE. Open the file ConnectivityToAstraExplicitTest and fill the properties with your Astra informations.

Do not copy-paste - this is a sample for me.

public static String ASTRA_ZIP_FILE = "/Users/cedricklunven/Downloads/secure-connect-dev-workshop-db.zip";
public static String ASTRA_USERNAME = "todouser";
public static String ASTRA_PASSWORD = "todopassword";
public static String ASTRA_KEYSPACE = "todoapp";
⚠️ By default Autosaved is not enabled in Gitpod. Don't forget to save your modifications with CTRL+S
  • You can now run the UNIT TEST with your IDE or Maven in a terminal (easier with gitpod
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.samples.astra.ConnectivityToAstraExplicitTest#should_connect_to_Astra_static

👁️ Expected output

ConnectivityToAstraExplicitTest:  + [OK] - Connection Established to Astra with Keyspace todoapp

✅ Step 4d. Fix unit test ConnectivityToAstraWithConfTest.java

Providing the parameter in static way is useful for tests but we can do better but externalizing to a configuration file in src/test/resources: application_test.conf Open the file and edit with your Astra informations.

Do not copy-paste

datastax-java-driver {
  basic {
    request {
       timeout     = 5 seconds
       consistency = LOCAL_QUORUM
        page-size = 5000
    session-keyspace = todoapp
    cloud {
      secure-connect-bundle = /workspace/microservices-java-workshop-online/secure-connect-dev-workshop-db.zip
  advanced {
    auth-provider {
      class = PlainTextAuthProvider
      username = todouser 
      password = todopassword
⚠️ By default Autosaved is not enabled in Gitpod. Don't forget to save your modifications with CTRL+S
  • You can now run the UNIT TEST with your IDE or Maven in a terminal (easier with gitpod)
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.samples.astra.ConnectivityToAstraWithConfTest#should_connect_to_Astra_withConfig


🏠back to table of content

5. CRUD Repository

It is now time to define the data model in Apache Cassandra. With the explanations coming from the slides you know this is the table we are looking for :

CREATE TABLE todoapp.todo_tasks (
    uid uuid PRIMARY KEY,
    completed boolean,
    offset int,
    title text

✅ Step 5a. Run test CreateSchemaInAstraTest : There are multiple ways to create the table : DataStax Studio, CQL Console in Astra or even any Cqlsh instance with the proper conf file. We will go the Java way with an Integration test. You don't have to code here the test will reuse the same file. Locate CreateSchemaInAstraTest browse the code before executing:

  • Run the test
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.samples.astra.CreateSchemaInAstraTest#should_create_expected_table

👁️ Expected output

CreateSchemaInAstraTest: Connection Established to Astra with Keyspace 'todoapp'
CreateSchemaInAstraTest: Table 'todo_tasks' has been created (if needed).

✅ Step 5b. Check that table todoapp.todo_tasks now exist: You can go back to Astra in the notebook we have imported or the CqlConsole and execute. This is the reason we made you import the noteboolk it is quite visual and you can execute some CQL commands easily.

describe keyspace todoapp

👁️ Expected output STUDIO

  • Locate the notebook


  • Execute the command


👁️ Expected output CQLCONSOLE

  • Locate the console


  • Execute the command


✅ Step 5c. Fix Unit Test CrudWithCassandraDriverIntegrationTest: We will insert values into the table and extract values from it.

Locate CrudWithCassandraDriverIntegrationTest class and specially method test_Insert(). Fix the test and execute it with the following commands.

  • Execute your test (solution is provided at the bottom of the class)
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.samples.astra.CrudWithCassandraDriverIntegrationTest#test_Insert

Here is the solution

SimpleStatement stmtInsertTask = SimpleStatement.builder(""
       + "INSERT INTO todo_tasks(uid, title, offset, completed)" 
       + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
⚠️ By default Autosaved is not enabled in Gitpod. Don't forget to save your modifications with CTRL+S
  • There is another test in the same class to test all CRUD operations you can test:
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.samples.astra.CrudWithCassandraDriverIntegrationTest#should_create_task_with_new_uid

✅ Step 5d. Create bean CqlSession in the application:

  • Locate the file CassandraDriverConfig here and uncomment the annotation @Configuration. As you can see we delegate the configuration to a file. If we don't provide a DriverConfigLoader it will use application.conf

  • Copy-paste the content of file src/test/resources/application_test.conf to src/main/resources/application.conf

cp todobackend-cassandra/src/test/resources/application_test.conf todobackend-cassandra/src/main//resources/application.conf 
⚠️ By default Autosaved is not enabled in Gitpod. Don't forget to save your modifications with CTRL+S

✅ Step 5e. Change injection dependency in TodoListRestController

  • TodoListRepository is an interface to design the CRUD operations for tasks. Locate the controller TodoListRestController.

  • As you can see we are specifically picking todobackend.repo.inmemory. Change it to todobackend.repo.cassandra-driver by commenting/uncommenting proper lines.

**👁️ Expected code **

// @Qualifier("todobackend.repo.cassandra-object-mapper")
// @Qualifier("todobackend.repo.spring-data-cassandra")
private TodoListRepository todoRepository;

Now we now how we will switch from one implementation to another. Take a look at class TodoListRepositoryCassandraDriverImpl implementing the TodoListRepository to see how we proceed.

✅ Step 5f. Restart the application: Use the CTRL+C shortcut on the terminal window to stop running the application and restart.

✅ Step 5g. Test the application connected to ASTRA. we wills now reuse the provided client to work with our backend API now connected to ASTRA !.


🏠back to table of content

6. CRUD Repository with Object Mapper

✅ Step 6a. Check that the ObjectMapper repository is working : We test want to test class CrudWithObjectMapperTest.

mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.samples.astra.CrudWithObjectMapperTest

✅ Step 6b. Change injection dependency in TodoListRestController: We switch from one implementation to another. Take a look at class TodoListRepositoryObjectMapperImpl implementing the TodoListRepository to see how we proceed.

  • In controller TodoListRestController change from @Qualifier("todobackend.repo.cassandra-driver") to @Qualifier("todobackend.repo.cassandra-object-mapper") by commenting/uncommenting proper lines.

**👁️ Expected code **

// @Qualifier("todobackend.repo.spring-data-cassandra")
private TodoListRepository todoRepository;

✅ Step 6b. Restart the application: Use the CTRL+C shortcut on the terminal window to stop running the application and restart.

✅ Step 6c. Test the application connected to ASTRA. we wil now reuse the provided clientto work with our backend API now connected to ASTRA !.


🏠back to table of content

7. CRUD Repository with Spring Data

Spring-Data is like ObjectMapper and help reducing boilerplate code. You define entities and interfaces, the code under the hood is generated for you.

✅ 7.a Add Spring Data Dependency: In the pom.xml file of project todobackend-cassandra uncomment Spring Data dependency.


Note As soon as the library is imported it will look for a bean CqlSession and if nothing existing it will try to connect to localhost. As the workshop started with the store InMemory we decided to comment this at beginning at the workshop.

Now we now how we will switch from one implementation to another. Take a look at class TodoListRepositorySpringDataImpl implementing the TodoListRepository to see how we proceed.

✅ 7.b Uncomment all the source code we will need: With the new dependency we can now uncomment part of the code working with Spring-Data.

// Uncomment Imports
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.cql.PrimaryKeyType;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.mapping.CassandraType;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.mapping.CassandraType.Name;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.mapping.Column;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.mapping.PrimaryKeyColumn;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.mapping.Table;


// Uncomment annotations
@Table(value = TodoAppSchema.TABLE_TODO_TASKS)

        name = TodoAppSchema.TASK_COL_UID, ordinal = 0, 
        type = PrimaryKeyType.PARTITIONED)
@CassandraType(type = Name.UUID)
private UUID uuid;

// Uncomment Imports
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.repository.CassandraRepository;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.repository.Query;


// Uncomment bloc
public interface TaskSpringDataRepository extends TodoAppSchema, CassandraRepository<TaskSpringData, UUID> {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM " + TodoAppSchema.TABLE_TODO_TASKS + 
          " WHERE " + TodoAppSchema.TASK_COL_UID + " = ?0")
    Optional<TaskSpringData> findByTaskByIdO(UUID taskid);
import com.datastax.sample.springdata.TaskSpringDataRepository;

// Uncomment bloc
public class TodoListRepositorySpringDataImpl implements TodoListRepository {
    private TaskSpringDataRepository taskDao;
    public TodoListRepositorySpringDataImpl(TaskSpringDataRepository taskDao) {
        this.taskDao = taskDao;
    public List<Task> findAll() {
        return taskDao.findAll().stream()
    public void deleteAll() {
    public Optional<Task> findById(UUID uid) {
        if (null == uid) return Optional.empty();
        Optional<TaskSpringData> entity = taskDao.findById(uid);
        if (entity.isEmpty()) return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.ofNullable(entity.get().mapAsTask());
    public void upsert(Task dto) {
        if (null != dto) {
            taskDao.save(new TaskSpringData(dto));
    public void delete(UUID uid) {
        TaskSpringData tsd = new TaskSpringData();

✅ Step 7c. Change injection dependency in TodoListRestController: We have create other implementations for you this time using Spring Data.

  • In controller TodoListRestController nowChange @Qualifier to todobackend.repo.spring-data-cassandra by commenting/uncommenting proper lines.

👁️ Expected code:

private TodoListRepository todoRepository;

✅ Step 7d. Restart the application: Use the CTRL+C shortcut on the terminal window to stop running the application and restart.

✅ Step 7e. Test the application connected to ASTRA. we wil now reuse the provided clientto work with our backend API now connected to ASTRA !.


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