
First game made on UNITY GameEngine

Roll-a-ball-UNITY 3D

This is my first game made on Unity GameEngine using C#. You can find DIY tutorials to learn UNITY 3D by developing this simple game. Link to Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFlh8pTf4DU&list=PLX2vGYjWbI0Q-s4_lX0h4i2zbZqlg4OfF

By learning to build this simple game, you will understand basics about how to:

(1) Basics of hierarchy, Inspector, Scene

(2) Build player, build surroundings

(3) Move camera with the player

(4) Use material and add colour

(5) Use Visual basic for scripting and how to build basic scripts

(6) How to use transforms

(7) How to use prefabs and what they can do, how to use a family of game objects

(8) Difference between static and dynamic collider and rigid body

(9) How to set objects in rotation

(10) Displaying text and adding text UI to script and hierarchy

(11) Building the game for different platofrms(Mac, Linux, Windows, Android etc)