
Yet another postgresql psycopg2 wrapper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

pgclientIcon pgclient

Build Status Coverage Status PythonVersions

pgclient - yet another pool-based python2/3 compatible psycopg2 wrapper.

The client is fully based on thread-safe reliable connections pool and safe transactions executing

Tested on python2.7+, python3.4+

Quick start

System dependencies:

  • python-dev
  • libpq-dev

Install the package

pip install pgclient

Initialize the client

from pgclient import PostgresClient

pg_client = PostgresClient(dsn='user=admin password=admin dbname=test host=localhost port=5432')
# OR
pg_client = PostgresClient(username='test', password='test', ...)

with self.pg_client.get_cursor() as cursor:
    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM MyTable')
result_set = cursor.fetchall()

Database requests

Assume that we use the following sql schema:

    id SERIAL, 
    username VARCHAR NOT NULL 

Cursor context manager

with self.pg_client.get_cursor() as cursor:
    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users')

users = cursor.fetchall()
username = users[0]['username']     

NOTE: Default cursor_factory is psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor

To override default factory, there are two ways:

  • Override default one for client instance

      pg_client = PostgresClient(..., cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor)
  • Override for context

      with pg_client.get_cursor(cursor_factory=MyCursor) as cursor:
          cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users')

Safe transactions

All requests inside with context will be executed and automatically committed within one transaction (or rolled back in case if database errors)

with self.pg_client.get_cursor() as transaction:
    transaction.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES name="Mark"')
    transaction.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES name="Paolo"')
    transaction.execute('SELECT * FROM users')

users = transaction.fetchall()

Auto-reconnect connection pool

Starting a new transaction, it guarantees that connection is alive

with self.pg_client.get_cursor() as cursor:
    # connection is alive

# Or manually
conn = self.pg_client.acquire_conn()

Extended errors

Instead of basic psycopg2.Error based errors, Extended exception classes have been added. So now you will get more meaningful error information in case of any errors during the postgres communication and use error handling in more flexible way.


from pgclient import exceptions as pg_exc

    with self.pg_client.get_cursor() as transaction:
except pg_exc.IntegrityConstraintViolation as err:
    logger.error(err.message, err.diag, err.pgcode)
except pg_exc.DataException as err:

To catch all errors:

    with self.pg_client.get_cursor() as transaction:
except pg_exc.PgClientError as err:

System test

To run integration test you need to install the following:

Run system test:

  • Run postgresql container: docker-compose up -d postgresql
  • Run system tests: make system_test
  • Stop postgresql container: docker-compose stop postgresql

To test with postgresql:9.0 run postgresql_90 container with docker compose.

Both versions are being tested with travis ci.

Bug tracker

Warm welcome to suggestions and concerns



MIT - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT