
Shuriken is a monitoring agent which allows to do passive checks for Shinken monitoring system via mod-ws-arbiter.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Shuriken Cookbook

Shuriken is a monitoring agent which allows to do passive checks for Shinken monitoring system via mod-ws-arbiter.

This cookbook allows to install and manage monitoring agents are installed on dozens of servers easily.



Monitoring agent configuration

  • node[:shuriken][:version] - shuriken version which will be installed via pip
  • node[:shuriken][:home] - shuriken home directory, defaule: /opt/shuriken
  • node[:shuriken][:user] - system user, default: shuriken
  • node[:shuriken][:group] - system group, default: shuriken
  • node[:shuriken][:logdir] - shuriken log directory, default: /var/log/shuriken
  • node[:shuriken][:plugins_dirs] - shuriken plugins directories list, default: ["/usr/lib/nagios/plugins"]. This parameter set a scope of check scipts. It can contains multiple pathes, shuriken will build commands index automatically. If some commands will be have duplicated names in different directories in the scope, then last founded will be used. If no one will be found in the scope, agent will be stopped and raised an Exception. In this case see a log file according to node[:shuriken][:logdir]

Monitoring server configuration

    node[:shuriken][:server] = {
        :host       => <ip or domain name with schema, for example: http://myshinken.server.com>,
        :port       => <shinken arbiter port>,
        :username   => <username, configured on server side>,
        :password   => <password, configured on server side>,

Monitoring check commands configuration

Main objective of commands configuration is to provide check commands for agent as json config file.

Examples are provided at attributes/config.rb

There is monitored server definition block:

    "localhost" => {
        :check_interval => 5,  # in minutes
        :check_commands => {
           "Load"   => "check_load -w2.50,2.20,2.00 -c3.0,2.7,2.5",
           "Disks/" => "check_disk -w 7% -c 5% -p /",
           "Disks/var" => "check_disk -w 7% -c 5% -p /var",
           "Swap"   => "check_swap -a -w15% -c10%"

The block above includes several parameters

  • "localhost" - is a machine hostname FQDN. It's very important parameter allows to identify monitoring configuration. NOTE: To setting up hostname in a configuration run hostname --fqdn on a monitored machine if don't know it exactly.

  • :check_interval parameter sets time interval to check execution in minutes. Agent is run by cron.

  • :check_commands hash

    • Key ("Load", "Disks/", etc) is a service description. All services are defined on a monitoring server.
    • Value ("check_load -w2.50,2.20,2.00 -c3.0,2.7,2.5", etc) is a raw check command to execute. Shuriken will find absolute path to check command script automatically based on node[:shuriken][:plugins_dirs] list. Recipe contains nagios-plugins installer therefore you will be able to use nagios plugins by default.

NOTE: Shuriken sanitizes check commands to prevent unsafe command execution.


  • Configure all attribute agent and server parameters;
  • Define check commands configurations in attributes/config.rb ("shuriken": {"config": {...}} in a role)
  • Add 'recipe[shuriken]' to your run_list in a role;
  • Add role to a server;

Shinken adapter recipe

Recipe is must used on server side as a last one in a run_list. Recipe parses node[:shuriken][:config] as hosts and services and generate new configurations for it and put it onto a server, that means all default and other server attriubutes is read from node[:shinken] and other server cookbook related files.


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

License: MIT

Authors: Maksim Ekimovskiy