100devs tic-tac-toe Group Project

Getting Started

First, run the lite-server to start the development server:

npm run dev

The page auto-updates as you edit the file.



[X] Will handle the structure of the gameboard
[X] Will have 4 sections based on the mockups by Ana:
    ->1st stage gameboard
      -triggered on page load 
      -intro gameboard 
      -displays the game title & player modes
    ->2nd stage gameboard
      -triggered when a player chooses an opponent
      -displays an input player name notification window
      -notification window has an input field for the player(s) name
       and a start button
    ->3rd stage gameboard
      -triggered when a player clicks start
      -displays an empty gameboard with player name(s) below X and O
      -random player starts at this point
    ->4th stage gameboard
      -triggered when a player wins or draws
      -gameboard is full of X and O at this point
      -displays notification window with the winner or draw
      -notification window also has a 'play again' & 'back to menu'
[X] Will have a night/day mode button   


[X] Will connect objects to the DOM (majority of the event listeners etc)
[X] Will initiate game instances depending on player opponent choice
[X] Will handle swithcing between different gameboard states
[X] Will control dark/light mode
[X] Will control mouse hover actions


[X] The gameboard is made up of 9 indidivual cells/squares
[X] No need to render the board since index.html handles the structure
    ->target each individual cell/square on the gameboard


[X] Will connect the DOM to individual cells
[X] Each cell will hold a reference to a token
[X] Will check to see if a player "owns" a cell and returns the "owner"
    ->will return null if no token is associated otherwise return "owner"
    ->will mark a cell as occupied


*** I believe that frankRose gave each player 5 tokens coz those are the 
    max moves a single player can ever make on the board **
[X] Will keep track of the token position
[X] Will render the token 'X' or 'O' on the gameboard


[X] Will keep track of the players moves
[X] Will create the player tokens
[X] Will keep track of the player tokens
    ->Will keep track of which tokens haven't been played
    ->Will select the next token for the player to use
[X] Will create a computer player
    ->Will make random computer moves depending on available empty cells/squares


[X] Will initialize the game once the player clicks start
[X] Will create the players once the player(s) enter their name(s)
[X] Will monitor game play state
    ->Will determine whose turn it is; player or computer
    ->Will keep track of players turns.
    ->Will switch players after each play/click.
    ->Will actively check for a 'draw' or a 'win' and update game state
    ->Will display game results in the DOM. 'draw' or 'win'
[X] Will handle various board game-play effects
    ->Will toggle player token during hover depending on game state
    ->Will update and mark gameboard cells

File & Folder Structure
