
SilverStripe Module Starter Kit

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

SilverStripe Module Starter

A starter kit that has everything you need to get underway with a new module for SilverStripe v4.



  • Git
  • PHP
  • Node.js
  • Yarn (or npm)


Using git, clone the repo to a location of your choice:

$ git clone https://github.com/praxisnetau/silverstripe-module-starter ./my-repo-name

After the repo has cloned, you will need to run the setup.php script:

$ cd my-repo-name
$ php ./setup.php

The setup script will ask a series of questions to gather data about your new module:

$ php ./setup.php
> Loading config file...
> Checking files...
> Files OK!
> Gathering setup data...
Vendor (default "vendor"): examplecorp
Module (default "module"): awesome-module
Repository name (default "examplecorp/awesome-module"):
Repository URL (default "https://github.com/examplecorp/awesome-module"):
Module name (default "My SilverStripe Module"): My Awesome Module
Namespace (PSR-4) (default "Vendor\Module"): Example\Awesome
Description: An awesome new SilverStripe module.
Author (default "My Name"): Jane Bloggs
Email (default "name@example.com"): jane@example.com
Organisation (default "My Organisation"): Example Corp
Homepage (default "https://www.example.com"):
Keywords (comma-separated): silverstripe, example

If a question has a default value, just hit enter to accept the default.

After answering each question, the script will then process the necessary files by replacing named tokens in each file with the corresponding setup value.

By default, these files are:

  • _config.php
  • _config/config.yml
  • admin/client/src/bundles/bundle.js
  • admin/client/src/styles/_variables.scss
  • admin/client/src/styles/bundle.scss
  • client/src/bundles/bundle.js
  • client/src/styles/_variables.scss
  • client/src/styles/bundle.scss
  • composer.json
  • package.json
  • webpack.config.js

Each file needs to readable and writable. The setup script will first verify that it can process each file before proceeding.


The setup script supports a setup.json file kept in the same location as setup.php. Using this file, you can override any of the default configuration settings. By forking the repo and adding your own settings to this file, you can save yourself even more typing. For example:

  "default-vendor": "examplecorp",
  "default-author": "Jane Bloggs",
  "default-email": "jane@example.com",
  "default-organisation": "Example Corp",
  "default-homepage": "https://www.example.com"


The module comes pre-configured with everything you need to get underway. Frontend resources are processed and bundled using webpack, and the included config is ready to create bundles for both the website and the CMS. Your admin bundles will be included in the CMS automatically (see config.yml), however you will need to handle loading the website bundles yourself, e.g. by using Requirements in your controller.

A yarn.lock file is included with the repo. To install build dependencies, run:

$ yarn install

This will download all of the build dependencies into the node_modules folder. Two scripts are pre-configured for Yarn, watch for development, and build for production:

$ yarn watch

This will watch your source files and automatically recompile when a change is detected.

$ yarn build

This will prepare your files for distribution by clearing the dist/ folders and compiling + optimising the created bundles.


Using the default webpack config, bundle files will be created from your source files in two locations:

  • admin/client/dist/
  • client/dist/

These folders are exposed by default within the composer.json file, so that when your module is installed into a SilverStripe v4 app, these folders are automatically exposed in the resources/ folder.

To include your module bundles for the website, you'll need to load your dist/ bundles, for example by using the SilverStripe Requirements class in your controller (where vendor/module is your repository name):

use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;

Requirements::css('vendor/module: client/dist/styles/bundle.css');
Requirements::javascript('vendor/module: client/dist/js/bundle.js');


The webpack build relies on two pairs of source bundle files for the CMS and website:

  • admin/client/src/bundles/bundle.js
  • admin/client/src/styles/bundle.scss
  • client/src/bundles/bundle.js
  • client/src/styles/bundle.scss

Each bundle.js file will pull in any required JavaScript and Sass styles. By default, each bundle.js requires the bundle.scss file to load your styles. Each bundle.scss file imports variables from the _variables.scss file by default.

The general idea is to add your own JavaScript under each src/ folder for anything you need, and to add your styles as .scss files under the src/styles/ folder. Then edit each bundle to require or import your source files. For example:

Example Script Bundle

/* Module Bundle
===================================================================================================================== */

// Load Styles:


// Load Scripts:


This would require the file src/pages/MyPage.js.

Example Style Bundle

/* Module Bundle
===================================================================================================================== */

// Import Variables:

@import "variables";

// Import Styles:

@import "pages/MyPage";

This would import the file src/styles/pages/MyPage.scss.


Copy any icon files required for your SilverStripe page classes into the admin/client/src/images/icons/ folder. These images will be copied to the admin/client/dist/ folder upon watch or build. You can reference these icons in your classes by using the following notation (where vendor/module is your repository name):

class MyPage extends Page
    private static $icon = 'vendor/module: admin/client/dist/images/icons/MyPage.png';

Continuous Integration

The following services are free for open source repositories. Note that both Scrutinizer and CodeCov show your source code, as such if you are writing closed source code you will need to either pay for these services or remove them from the continuous integration files. Both CodeCov and Scrutinizer can be integrated with GitHub.

Unit Testing

This repository provides configuration for 2 external continous testing services, Travis and Circle CI. Circle CI is around 3 times faster, but lacks out of the box ability to test with different versions of PHP, database, etc. If you use third party software, e.g. sphinx, then then .travis.yml and circleci\config.yml will need edited.

You will need to add accounts and then add your module at the following URLs:

Code Coverage

The CI files upload code coverage to a third party service called CodeCov. To see your test coverage, open an account at https://codecov.io and add your module there.

Code Quality

Scrutinizer is a third party service that staticaly analyzes your code looking for likes of PSR violations, formatting, and complex code (i.e. code smells). A sample configuration file is provided. You will need to set up an account and add your module at https://scrutinizer-ci.com/


A simple Ruby script to add badges to your README file is available at https://github.com/gordonbanderson/Badger - simply cd /path/to/your/repo && /path/to/badger/bin/badger. After the first line starting with a #, the badges for the current repository and branch will be added.

Baseline CI Example

The following is a valid SilverStripe repository with a single test added - https://github.com/gordonbanderson/travistestmodule


Please use the GitHub issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests.


Your contributions are gladly welcomed to help make this project better. Please see contributing for more information.


Colin Tucker Praxis Interactive
Colin Tucker Praxis Interactive


BSD-3-Clause © Praxis Interactive