
This is a hackathon project done as part of OLA’s appathon contest. The basic idea highlighted are 1) Share ride feature 2) Geo fencing for passenger security 3) User experience & improvement on driver’s profile 4) Other features like Touch-ID access to OLA Wallet

Primary LanguageObjective-C

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\b About 
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This is a hackathon project completed in 24 hours as part of OLA Appathon organised by Venturesity on Feb 7th - 8th , 2015 at Bangalore.\
The app has been created inline with the UI/UX of current OLA iOS app.\
The basic idea of this project is to highlight the following features \
1) Share Ride \
	This feature allows users to share ride with their friends. The app categorises the friends into 2 categories i.e., OLA friends & non OLA friends. User can invite friends to share the ride. The idea was to implement notifications to allow user to share the ride. Due to iOS certificates & infrastructure issues to implement push notifications, this has not been implemented.\
2) Geofencing\
	Keeping security in mind, user can enable SOS feature which creates a geofence between source & destination. If the cab moves out of the fence, suitable action can be taken.\
3) Improving the driver\'92s profile (UX)\
	The driver profile includes number of rides, reviews given by passengers & other useful details.\
4) OLA Wallet security\
	Touch ID integrated to secure OLA wallet.\
Other minor features which you can explore in the app.\
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\cf0 How to run\
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Run the app on the device by using a valid provision profile & developer/distribution iOS certificate. Refer Apple documentation on building & running app \
To simulate Geofencing, create a project in your Google Maps console & generate a APP_KEY\
Use the APP_KEY in AppDelegate.m to render google maps on the app.\