
Js & PHP | Lab Sheets & Exercises

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚀 Scripting Language | Js and PHP

This repository contains solutions for various JavaScript and PHP programming tasks and topics. Each topic is implemented as a separate program, and this README serves as a guide to navigate through the repository.

🎯 Objectives

  1. Implementation of JavaScript with HTML file.
  2. Basic program of JavaScript defining variables, operators, conditions, and loop.
  3. JavaScript built-in objects and its methods. a. Array b. Number c. String d. Date e. Window
  4. Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript.
  5. Event handling using JavaScript.
  6. Client-side cookies.
  7. Function and recursive function using JavaScript.
  8. Creating a chess board using JavaScript.

🐘 PHP Topics

  1. Basic program using PHP defining variables, operators, conditions, and loop.
  2. Form handling and form validation using PHP.
  3. File handling using PHP.
  4. Uploading file using PHP.
  5. Database connection in PHP.
  6. CRUD operation using PHP.
  7. Sending email using PHP.
  8. Session in PHP.
  9. Cookies in PHP.
  10. Object-oriented programming in PHP.
    • Implement class with properties and methods and create an object of that class.
  11. Inheritance in OOP using PHP.
  12. Polymorphism in OOP using PHP.
  13. Exception handling in OOP using PHP.

📁 Other Topics

  1. Program defining Ajax.
  2. Basic program of implementing jQuery.

📂 Repository Structure

The repository is organized into directories based on the topics mentioned above. Each directory contains its respective code and a README.md file providing further information.

📖 Usage

To explore a specific topic, navigate to the corresponding directory and open the associated files to see the implementation.

🤝 Contribution

Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you want to add more topics, improve existing solutions, or fix any issues, feel free to create a pull request.

Let's learn and grow together! 🌱