
Smart Contract Auditing (with hardhat tests and solidity code- for detection and prevention) of top 9 vulnerabilities: delegate-call, Timestamp Manipulation, Reentrancy etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Smart Contract Vulnerability Study:: Smart contracts are used in many areas of the economy in the form adapted to solve a specific business problem. Thus, today one can observe rapidly growing varieties of smart contracts. However, developers often do not explore the limitations and risks of using this technology for specific use cases. At the same time, the losses resulting from the limited use of technology in a particular subject area can be very significant. In order to build effective protection in the blockchain network, it is necessary to analyze the object of protection for the components that are valuable to the attacker, as well as to determine the vulnerabilities of the product through which illegitimate entry into the network is possible. Attacks can target the consensus algorithm, flaws in smart contract programming languages, or flaws in the blockchain structure itself. In addition to vulnerabilities, there are also operational security issues such as private key or host system compromise.

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the security of a smart contract that implements the functions of a shipping contract. The authors check the research object for vulnerabilities in order to make recommendations for increasing the level of information security of the considered smart contract.