💾 Configurable persistence and rehydration of Pinia stores.
- 0
Unable to use Nuxt with SSR and cookies
#361 opened by jeanmatthieud - 4
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Using pinia-plugin-persistedstate alongwith VitePress produces build-time error
#360 opened by mark9804 - 2
bump @pinia/nuxt version for "@pinia-plugin-persistedstate/nuxt module project
#358 opened by cedric-legallo - 1
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- 0
High-Severity Vulnerability detected
#357 opened by pmontp19 - 2
Plugin not compatible with Vue 3.5.12
#351 opened by antoci-alin - 5
How to use CDN import correctly
#348 opened by China-xiaoFang - 3
Pinia is not creating cookies when using SSR
#353 opened by FeatureSpitter - 2
It cannot work when create store before pinia
#352 opened by seepine - 4
- 3
An error is reported when using a plug-in in Vite
#344 opened by 4uansi - 2
[commonjs--resolver] Failed to resolve entry for package "pinia-plugin-persistedstate".
#323 opened by P2K0 - 0
📝 CONTRIBUTING file is missing
#347 opened by jeanphi-baconnais - 1
#346 opened by jeffhuien - 2
Store not hydrated from cookies when used with `@nuxtjs/i18n` and `routeRules`
#293 opened by rudolfbyker - 2
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Pinia persists state by setting all state data in cookies, with the option to use a specific key.
#342 opened by manafatech - 2
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falsy values not persisted when using pick
#333 opened by JimCronqvist - 1
Restore `auto` mode
#325 opened by prazdevs - 1
please add a Migration Guide from v3
#335 opened by xmasuhai - 1
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[nuxt] use in middleware with redirects
#328 opened by chendaozhun - 6
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Global auto persist config option in nuxt.conf.ts
#307 opened by kosaka18 - 1
Update cookiesWithOptions
#315 opened by alecaceres - 1
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why i can't import in nuxt3
#317 opened by nogolang - 17
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It's not clear from the docs that Nuxt 3 uses cookies as the default storage State
#319 opened by udit99 - 2
Can you add local storage such as indexDB? If you can, that would be great
#320 opened by yangcheng0111 - 3
can not work normally
#314 opened by wengshuang - 6
default storage to persistedState.localStorage
#304 opened by u007 - 1
when to persist and when to recover
#300 opened by hickiy - 5
Sync with redis
#303 opened by martinszeltins - 5
Does not work properly in vue3
#305 opened by hubeishuaige - 2
How to import this library through CDN?
#310 opened by qianjiachun - 0
Is there any way to persist some properties of single store In storage instead of storing whole Store ?
#318 opened by anurag-gautam-maersk - 0
Hydration completed but contains mismatches.
#313 opened by uu-space - 7
#311 opened by zy598586050 - 4
Typescript error when defining global options
#306 opened by Agusdeluca96 - 2
Vue: Argument of type
#299 opened by jtyoui - 0
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How to Securely store an object in local storage without storing It as plain object?
#301 opened by anurag-gautam-maersk - 1
Persist for "composition api" style
#296 opened by a0s