An extendable rofi based menu for streaming audio (optionally but preferably) on linux 🐧.
This script is inspired by Rofi-Beats.
- notify-send
- rofi
For Debian:
$ sudo apt install rofi notify-osd mpv
For Arch Linux:
$ sudo pacman -S rofi notify-osd mpv
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
$ cd rofi-radio
$ chmod +x rofi-radio
Now test out the script:
$ ./rofi-radio
The script toggles the radio on and off depending on it's current state.
The script first checks to see if an instance of the radio is already playing.
If it finds the script is already playing music it kills the music. If the radio is not already playing it will launch the list of stations you can choose from.
- You can add options in the
variable in the script to specify those options for running mpv. The default of--no-video
is already added. - You can also add accitional arguments on a per stream basis using the