
Simple program for finding Weibull distribution parameters

Primary LanguagePythonBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

Find Weibull

Simple program for finding the Weibull distribution parameters k shape factor and c scale factor. Usage:

python find_weibull.py filename -p

filename is a text file from which program loads the first column with the header.
-p parameter if plot should be preparded and saved

python find_weibull.py data_example/WS125.txt -p
python find_weibull.py -p

The file WS125.txt with the example wind measurement data set comes from the measurement mast US Virgin Islands St. Thomas Bovoni and was downloaded from the site

Information about the data set used

Any publication based in whole or in part on these data sets should cite the data source as:

Roberts, O.; Andreas, A.; (1997). United States Virgin Islands:
St. Thomas & St. Croix (Data); NREL Report No. DA-5500-64451.

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