
This Android project is built with MVVM architecture using JetPack Components and Dagger2.0

Primary LanguageKotlin

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This Android project is built with MVVM architecture using Android Jetpack components


This Project contains mainly four components :

    1. DataSource - This package provides data source to the App using both Network and Room DB.

    2. DI - This package contains Dagger v2.0 Modules and Components used to provide dependency at runtime.

    3. Repository - This layer provides an interface between ViewModel and DataSource.

    4. View/ViewModel - This layer provides interaction between View and ViewModel using Data Binding approach.


To build this App following third party dependencies have been used:

	1. Mockito: Use to Mock the Instances

	2. Glide: Use to load images inside Recycler View

	3. Retrofit and Moshi: Use to make rest Api call and Parse Json to Model
	4. Dagger: Use to Inject dependency of various components

Notes :

	1. Progress-Dialog has been used instead of Shimmer Layout.

	2. Handles basic Test case using JUnit and Mockito.
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