
Repository for DS5110 Final Project

Primary LanguageR

Build Status


  1. Docker
  2. install.package(plumber)
  3. install.package(testthat)

Project structure

The root codes file for the API is R/app.R, we define the other files we want to load there.

The root folder for test files is tests/testthat. It has a naming convention: test-your_file_name.R

in anotherTest.R

#' @post /sum
addTwo <- function(a, b){
  as.numeric(a) + as.numeric(b)

There we can put any related function in the same file, and define the endpoint in the app.R

# Endpoint /calculations
another_test <- plumber$new("anotherTest.R")
app$mount("/calculations", another_test)

And the endpoint will be /calculations/sum. To try it you can: curl --data '{"a":4, "b":5}' http://localhost:8000/calculations/sum after you run the app.R

How to

Docker build: docker build . Run the app: Rscript R/app.R Run the test: From R console, you can run testthat::test_dir("tests/testthat"), assuming your working directory in the root folder of the project.