- 0
Callback function for `disconnectedCallback`
#94 opened by VelizarD - 4
Slots fail to pass as props when element is created after register() is called
#81 opened by effulgentsia - 1
- 1
Issue consuming a component in Svelte
#90 opened by jvanderberg - 5
- 0
formAssociated register
#88 opened by mira-kovar - 1
host css styles applied to component?
#87 opened by da1z - 4
- 2
Publish to npm 🙏
#84 opened by HowieG - 1
- 0
Add support for {mode: 'closed'}
#74 opened by stevenle - 5
- 8
Children of custom element gets rendered twice
#32 opened by donpark - 9
- 1
Generating preact-ce.module.js
#77 opened by emindeniz99 - 3
I can't use hook
#60 opened by X7md - 0
Extend element instead of creating new custom element
#78 opened by dy - 2
Expose methods
#70 opened by bestwestern - 0
Interop problems with Svelte
#73 opened by seriousManual - 1
Preact Component's constructor is not called when custom element is created via document.createElement
#68 opened by lpommers - 7
Exposing public properties?
#1 opened by bestguy - 4
- 0
- 0
Observed attributes break context providers
#65 opened by Rkaede - 1
package does not work
#62 opened by wansiedler - 0
- 1
How do I use with unpkg?
#57 opened by rajasimon - 0
Hyphenated attributes and camelCased properties
#53 opened by raihle - 2
Hydration with shadow root doesn't work
#52 opened by amthrock - 0
In Firefox, The Custom Element gets cloned when calling member function of props, like toUpperCase()
#50 opened by wbern - 7
- 0
- 2
Parse attributes from custom element
#13 opened by lucasghizoni - 3
Web component interop improvements
#40 opened by ffriedl89 - 2
detachedcallback should be disconnectedcallback
#37 opened by filipbech - 2
Function as attribute
#14 opened by paulpatarinski - 0
publish to npm?
#31 opened by devongovett - 1
New release
#34 opened by samyhrer - 3
Can we make this work for SSR?
#29 opened by secretlifeof - 1
- 2
- 4
Issues re-rendering CE root with preact
#6 opened by majo44 - 0
- 1
Get tests running in FF on Circle
#9 opened by bspaulding - 6
This repo is use the old v0 spec
#4 opened by 0xR - 2