- 5
This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions.
#489 opened by richajak - 4
Stuck trying to build and test
#496 opened by yozlet - 3
No build tools version
#312 opened by AstraLuma - 0
RangeError (stack overflow) when enough "operations" happen in a single render
#485 opened by ashvinsrivatsa - 2
- 13
Log render reasons in browser console
#282 opened by frederikhors - 1
- 2
The extension couldn't detect deno fresh
#481 opened by ngdangtu-vn - 2
Website: Version null
#478 opened by JajarGG - 6
- 0
Display "Context updated" as a rerender reason
#471 opened by andrewiggins - 2
- 0
- 0
Hooks not detected
#463 opened by marvinhagemeister - 2
Don't minify extension source code.
#457 opened by MicahZoltu - 1
- 1
Debug: Could not serialize message.
#453 opened by MicahZoltu - 0
Track which hook rerendered
#458 opened by andrewiggins - 2
How to include in Preact no build
#283 opened by Samuel88 - 2
Q: Meaning of highlight colors (green / orange)?
#447 opened by rejhgadellaa - 3
using preact-devtools in a partial preact application - devtools will skip focus between elements
#235 opened by nathan-barrett - 2
state dislocate in custom hook
#433 opened by comewithl - 2
- 0
Highlight is wrong with `display: contents`
#429 opened by marvinhagemeister - 1
- 3
update preact-devtools npm
#404 opened by BartmanAbyss - 6
Preact Elements tab does not show components as a tree
#387 opened by aptash - 3
Highlight updates ignores memoized components
#284 opened by Pringels - 3
- 3
Newest update breaks my Preact app
#352 opened by oliverfindl - 4
Can devtools remember filters
#246 opened by kenny-f - 2
don't expand component tree by default
#333 opened by oleks12345 - 2
Zoom to component
#318 opened by fkotsian - 0
When compoonent overwrites the state then the state which is rendered does not match the state I see in devtools
#319 opened by capaj - 0
- 2
Error with JSS useContext
#314 opened by ahoenerBE - 2
Display content of ES6 Map props
#300 opened by sebastiano-barrera - 2
- 1
Profiling is not supported
#293 opened by zgoda - 7
DX: Allow providing display names for various hooks to distinguish them more easily
#280 opened by keichinger - 3
- 3
Devtools only shows one hook per component
#278 opened by mindgrub-egottlieb - 6
Avoid using `unload` event listener on `window`.
#275 opened by pope - 2
Highlight updates crash with iframes
#236 opened by wnayes - 1
preact build fail with import 'preact/debug'
#240 opened by andares - 1
- 0
Add ellipsis for component name in sidebar
#234 opened by marvinhagemeister - 1
Issue with Highlights updates setting
#225 opened by zoeyfrisart - 0
- 1