- 5
Restrict routing to a `base` path
#34 opened by dero - 4
Multiple active elements post scaffold?
#33 opened by swar-mukh - 4
- 3
Blocking a route change
#31 opened by jhlgns - 8
`LocationProvider` isn't used in all examples, making it unclear that it's required
#23 opened by donkeyDau - 5
Type issue with `Router` children
#15 opened by rschristian - 6
Determine if Router is active
#24 opened by donkeyDau - 1
Hash navigation
#21 opened by Kamilcat - 1
How to use hash history?
#19 opened by gaetandezeiraud - 2
- 7
feat: useLocation is missing necessary functions, such as router.go/router.replace
#6 opened by rxliuli - 0
- 8
- 0
Shadow DOM breaks `Router` transitions
#4 opened by R2Boyo25