- 0
REPL: Bug with `effect` & `useSignalEffect` tracking
#1180 opened by rschristian - 3
Website documentation: preact/compat with Yarn PnP
#1050 opened by jamesrr39 - 3
- 1
PT-BR translation is incorrect
#1169 opened by luiztux - 2
spiral example does not work in firefox
#1161 opened by scarf005 - 0
Limit runner delay to user input
#1159 opened by rschristian - 0
Fix error positioning in REPL runner & reintroduce error in the code editor
#1158 opened by rschristian - 1
Tutorial: Add stages to 'Help' button, so it doesn't skip straight to solving
#1153 opened by rschristian - 5
- 7
Can't run site in development mode
#1128 opened by KiritaniAyaka - 9
- 0
- 3
Aliasing documentation for importmaps misses test-util and jsx-runtime
#1097 opened by schlichtanders - 2
Broken link: component lifecycle diagram
#1094 opened by tinymachine - 0
- 1
Sketchy sponsor
#1087 opened by kybercore - 1
Add a docs page on ESLint
#911 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 0
Every markdown doc should have a description really
#1081 opened by rschristian - 10
- 0
TS JSX transform note
#994 opened by rschristian - 3
Docs/Tutorial - explain when state is shared vs. unique to component instances
#1060 opened by morandd - 0
Page background changes color depending on sidebar
#1056 opened by rschristian - 1
REPL - "Cannot assign to read only property" when using signals without `.value`
#961 opened by DaniGuardiola - 1
Bug with non-Latin characters in table of contents?
#1037 opened by rschristian - 3
Error occurred while starting the project
#1038 opened by n0hack - 0
- 1
broken link: GlobalEventHandlers
#1031 opened by kumavis - 0
Add import map config to 'Getting Started' page
#1019 opened by rschristian - 1
useMemo not explained in Tutorial
#1025 opened by MightyPork - 1
Signals example doesn't work
#978 opened by masto - 1
- 1
Perhaps copy `render()`'s invoking note to the first page of the tutorial
#1010 opened by rschristian - 0
Full Preact Tutorial Bug
#1008 opened by marvinhagemeister - 10
Callback Refs note on double call is confusing
#1001 opened by L1Q - 1
#984 opened by jespertheend - 2
No docs for `useSignalEffect`?
#992 opened by ryuyz - 1
signals not work in the REPL of official website
#981 opened by faxinwang - 1
Tutorial 05-refs uses incorrect HTML attribute
#975 opened by masto - 0
Table of Contents Issues
#964 opened by rschristian - 0
Add section on signals in typescript
#960 opened by saolof - 1
Update @preact/signals.
#958 opened by MicahZoltu - 0
Add section about testing in `Signals`
#956 opened by MikeSniegovski - 2
"?lang=en" in the footer.
#948 opened by vimalsaraswat - 2
Broken navigation links on the signals guide
#944 opened by nibble0101 - 2
Local effects with signals
#902 opened by mindplay-dk - 2
- 0
Add page under "Debugging & Test" covering setup / configs for test frameworks
#927 opened by rschristian - 4
- 0
Differences to React: supported React child types
#909 opened by quizzl - 0