
Automated Cloudflare DNS updates for Dynamic IPs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌍 simple-ddns

Automated Cloudflare DNS updates for Dynamic IPs.

simple-dns is a Node.js re-write of DDNS-Cloudflare.

🐣 Dependencies

  • Node.js (tested on v14.5.0)

💻 Setup

Run npm install to download all node dependencies.

$ npm install

Ensure that .env file is present in the same directory with the following variables:

  • CF_API_TOKEN - Cloudflare API key required for updating Cloudflare DNS
  • ROOT_DOMAIN - Root domain name
  • DDNS_DOMAIN - Domain name to be updated when IP address changes
# Example .env file should look like this


Setup core.js cron for scheduled runs

# Example crontab to ensure core.js is run every minute

# with output logs stored in simple-ddns.log

* * * * *    /path/to/nodejs    /path/to/core.js    >>    /any/path/simple-ddns.log

Read this for more info about cron.

💥 Version History

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixes an issue where DNS records would not update domain specified in .env file

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixes an issue where envrionment variables were not set if script was run as a cron job

Version 1.0

  • Initial release of simple-ddns

🎉 Contribute

Want to contribute to this project? Simply open an issue and send in a PR! 😃