
List of companies offering Machine learning and Data Science internships

Companies offering ML and Data Science Internships

Note: This list is not complete, and there are many more companies out there. This list just represents the company names and positions that I was aware of during my internship search, in no particular order. I was based in the US during this internship search. The preference or minimum qualifications are often updated by the teams depending on the then requirement. Considering the ever-changing market and hiring policies, always check the respective career websites to know about the current open positions and eligibility.

Last updated: 3rd August, 2022

  1. Apple:

    • Machine learning intern
    • Data science intern
    • Research intern: PhD preferred
  2. Google:

    • Research intern: PhD preferred
    • Data science intern
    • Software intern: You can ask for an ML team in the team-matching phase
  3. Microsoft:

    • Data and Applied Scientist intern
    • Research intern: PhD preferred
  4. Netflix:

    • Machine Learning intern
    • Research intern
  5. Meta:

    • Research intern AI: PhD preferred
    • Research intern core ML/AI team: PhD preferred
    • Research intern audio AI/ML: PhD preferred
  6. Amazon:

    • Applied Science intern
    • Research intern: PhD preferred
  7. Twitter:

    • ML intern
    • Data science intern (ML)
  8. Tesla:

    • Research intern
    • ML intern
  9. Nvidia:

    • AI software intern
    • ML intern
  10. Qualcomm:

    • Multimedia Research intern (ML)
    • Multimedia Research intern (Speech/NLP)
  11. Snap:

    • Research intern
    • ML intern
  12. IBM:

    • Research intern
    • Data science intern
  13. JP Morgan Chase:

    • AI and Data Science Summer Associate
    • AI Summer Research Associate
  14. Spotify

  15. Pinterest

  16. Rivian

  17. LinkedIn

  18. Indeed

  19. Salesforce

  20. Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  21. ServiceNow Research

  22. Samsung Research

  23. Intel Corporation

  24. ASAPP

  25. Oracle:

    • Data science intern
    • ML intern
  26. Lyft

  27. Uber

  28. Mercedes Benz R&D North America

  29. Adobe

  30. Bloomberg Inc.

  31. Goldman Sachs

  32. Quora

  33. Dropbox

  34. eBay

  35. ICIMS

  36. Intuit

  37. McKinsey & Company: Data science intern

  38. Cisco

  39. Walmart

  40. PayPal

  41. Nokia and Bell labs

  42. AMD

  43. Twilio

  44. Grammarly

  45. Tiktok

  46. Baidu

  47. Sony R&D

  48. Hudson River Trading:

    • Quantitative Researcher
    • Algorithms Intern
  49. Zoom Video Communications

  50. Reddit

  51. Splunk

  52. Teradata

  53. MathWorks

  54. Tencent America

  55. Citadel Securities

  56. Honda Research Institute

  57. Warner Bros Discovery Inc.

  58. Databricks

  59. SnowFlake Inc.: Data science intern

  60. Waymo

  61. Argo AI

  62. Nuro

  63. SambaNova

  64. Roku

  65. Dataminr

  66. Zoox

  67. OpenAI

  68. Allen AI (AI2)

  69. Fractal Analytics

  70. TuSimple

  71. Intuitive

  72. Eightfold AI

  73. H2O.ai

  74. C3.ai

  75. Brain Technologies

  76. OctoML

  77. Snorkel AI

  78. Viasat

  79. Flexport

  80. Kintsugi

  81. Etsy

  82. Amplitude

  83. Cohere.ai

  84. DiDi labs

  85. Fidelity Investments

  86. Qualtrics iQ R&D

  87. Wayfair Search

  88. Coinbase

  89. Tinder <3

  90. Expedia

List compiled and created by:

Pratik Ratadiya

Email LinkedIn

List also available on Google Docs