- install bit on your machine here https://bit.dev/docs/getting-started/installing-bit/installing-bit . this can take some time to install.
- run
npm config set '@psa:registry' https://node.bit.cloud
in your terminal to add this remote repo to your global npm registry
- run
bit install
and then
bit start
and open localhost:3000. It may take a while to build the first time you run this command as it is building the whole User Interface for your development environment.
##What's included
- dst/
including all developed components
- dst/ui
contains all user interface components used in DST projects
- dst/env
contains env components to control build environment of other react components
- .gitignore
Ignoring any files from version control
- workspace.jsonc
This is the main configuration file of your bit workspace. Here you can modify the workspace name and icon as well as default directory and scope. It is where dependencies are found when you install anything. It is also where you register aspects, bit extensions as well as apply the environments for your components. This workspace has been setup so that all components use the React env. However you can create other components and apply other envs to them such as node, html, angular and aspect envs.
- .bitmap
This is an auto-generated file and includes the mapping of your components. There is one component included here. In order to remove this component you can run the following command.