Quasar SAP HANA Plugin Discord


The SAP HANA destination plugin enables Quasar to load data into SAP HANA, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, or other protocol-compliant stores. Loading is done via INSERT INTO statements.

Destination Configuration

JSON configuration required to construct a SAP HANA destination.

  "connection": <connection-configuration>,
  "writeMode": "create" | "replace" | "truncate" | "append"
  • connection: A connection configuration object.
  • writeMode: Indicates how to handle loading data into an existing table
    • create: prevent loading data into an existing table, erroring if it exists
    • replace: DROP and recreate an existing table prior to loading data
    • truncate: TRUNCATE an existing table prior to loading data
    • append: append to an existing table, creating it if it doesn't exist

Connection Configuration

JSON configurating describing how to connect to SAP HANA.

  "jdbcUrl": String
  [, "maxConcurrency": Number]
  [, "maxLifetimeSecs": Number]
  • jdbcUrl: a SAP HANA connection string. Note that any connection parameter values containing URI reserved characters must be percent encoded to avoid ambiguity.
  • maxConcurrency (optional): the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database (default: 8)
  • maxLifetimeSecs (optional): the maximum lifetime, in seconds, of idle connections. If your database or infrastructure imposes any limit on idle connections, make sure to set this value to at most a few seconds less than the limit (default: 300 seconds)