
Streaming mp4 encoder and decoder

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Streaming mp4 encoder and decoder

npm install mp4-stream

build status


var mp4 = require('mp4-stream')
var fs = require('fs')

var decode = mp4.decode()

  .on('box', function (headers) {
    console.log('found box (' + headers.type + ') (' + headers.length + ')')
    if (headers.type === 'mdat') {
      // you can get the contents as a stream
      console.log('box has stream data (consume stream to continue)')
    } else if (headers.type === 'moof') {
      // you can ignore some boxes
    } else {
      // or you can fully decode them
      decode.decode(function (box) {
        console.log('box contents:', box)

All boxes have a type thats a 4 char string with a type name.


var stream = mp4.decode()

Create a new decoder.

The decoder is a writable stream you should write a mp4 file to. It emits the following additional events:

  • on('box', headers) - emitted when a new box is found.

Each time the box event fires, you must call one of these three functions:

  • stream.ignore() - ignore the entire box and continue parsing after its end
  • stream.stream() - get a readable stream of the box contents
  • stream.decode(callback) - decode the box, including all childeren in the case of containers, and pass the resulting box object to the callback
var fs = require('fs')
var stream = mp4.decode()

stream.on('box', function (headers) {
  console.log('found new box:', headers)


var stream = mp4.encode()

Create a new encoder.

The encoder is a readable stream you can use to generate a mp4 file. It has the following API:

  • stream.box(box, [callback]) - adds a new mp4 box to the stream.
  • var ws = stream.mediaData(size) - helper that adds an mdat box. write the media content to this stream.
  • stream.finalize() - finalizes the mp4 stream. call this when you're done.
var fs = require('fs')
var stream = mp4.encode()


stream.box(anMP4Box, function (err) {
  // box flushed

  var content = stream.mediaData(lengthOfStream, function () {
    // wrote media data


Decode and encode a file

To decode and encode an mp4 file with this module do

var encoder = mp4.encode()
var decoder = mp4.decode()

decoder.on('box', function (headers) {
  decoder.decode(function (box) {
    encoder.box(box, next)



Mp4 supports a wide range of boxes, implemented in mp4-box-encoding.
