
A bot to create random registrations for chaturbate.com and earn free money.

Primary LanguagePython

Chaturbate-registration-bot v0.0.9

#This bot performs following tasks:

  1. Random credentials generation.
  • Username
  • Password
  • Email
  • Birthday
  • Gender
  1. Saving the generated credentials to DB.
  • Compatible with PostgresSQL for storing the random generated credentials
  1. Using the generated credentials to create accounts on chaturbate.com

For automating Google re-captcha solving:

  • Site:https://anti-captcha.com/
  • Documentation:https://github.com/ad-m/python-anticaptcha

For proxies

  • Site http://spys.one/free-proxy-list/

How to Run Guide


  • Python3
  • PostgreSql Database
  • Webdriver for firefox required to run the code. Checkout http://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/installation.html for detailed documentation on how to install the appropriate web driver, Firefox in this case.
  • Check requirements.txt for the list of all the required dependencies.

Steps to run

  1. Install all the dependencies using the following command: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  2. Import dbexport.sql file to Postgresql-DB

  3. Update DB settings inside db_helpers.py, update host, user, password, dbname and users_table (near line 6).

  4. Run the script

3.1 Run Xvfb in the background and specify a display number

  • Xvfb :10 -ac &

3.2 Set the DISPLAY variable to the number you chose

  • export DISPLAY=:10

3.3 Run the script python3 scrape.py

  1. To force quit, hit Ctrl + C

  2. Happy registering with the BOT.


Details: Creds- IP Address: Username: root Password: QazWsxEdc!23 (Since it was the first login, had to change the password, plz update)

Notes: #1 Postgresql DB is used to save users details. #2 Postgresql creds

  • database: chaturbate-registration-bot
  • user: postgres
  • password: password123 #3 DB can be accessed online, using following URL
  • Creds: user: postgres password: password123 #4 Bot details:
  • Dir: /var/www/python/
  • Have configured virtualenv inside /var/www/python/python-random-registration/venv
  • Virtualenv would mean, that to run the bot following 2 commands need to be executed in order: i) cd /var/www/python/python-random-registration ii) source venv/bin/activate iii) python3 scrape.py

Additional Information

  1. A log file usage.log is generated by the tool for debugging. Useful for debugging.
  2. Incase of any issues/bugs, usage.log shall be referred to.
  3. The proxies i.e. ip and port are read http://spys.one/free-proxy-list/ website, and the script reads secure (https) available proxies from Tier-1 countries.
  4. To control the countries to be used, proxies_scrape.py file can be manipulated. the property tier_1_countries contains the list of Tier-1 countries that are used to read proxies. The property tier_1_countries_all consists of all the available Tier-1 countries.
  5. The Google re-captcha waiting time, i.e. time taken to wait for the recaptcha service is set to 30 seconds. However the service provider https://anti-captcha.com/ claims around 10-12 seconds for the same. Just to be on the safer side, 30 seconds has been set as the limit.