
a script that automates the analysis and monitoring of log files

Primary LanguageShell

Log Monitoring Script


This Bash script is designed to monitor a log file in real-time, analyze log entries, and send email alerts based on predefined conditions.


  • Bash shell environment
  • mail command to send email alerts (usually available by default on Unix-like systems)
  • Proper configuration of email settings to enable email alerts


  1. Clone or download the script file (log_monitor.sh) to your local system.
  2. Make the script executable using the following command:
    chmod +x log_monitor.sh
  3. Run the script with optional command-line arguments to customize log file path and search keyword:
     ./log_monitor.sh -f /path/to/log/file.log -s "error"
  • -f or --file: Specify the path to the log file (default: "/path/to/log/file.log").
  • -s or --search: Specify the keyword to search for in log entries (default: empty, searches all entries).
  1. Once the script is running, it will continuously monitor the specified log file.
  2. Press Ctrl+C to stop monitoring and display log statistics.


  • To test the script:
  1. Prepare a sample log file with various log entries (errors, warnings, info).
  2. Run the script with the sample log file path.
  3. Generate log entries in the sample log file to observe the script's behavior:
  • Add new log entries to simulate errors, warnings, and informational messages.
  • Verify that the script properly analyzes and categorizes log entries.
  • Verify that email alerts are sent when the error count exceeds the predefined threshold.


./log_monitor.sh -f sample.log -s "error


  1. Customize the script according to your specific log file format and analysis requirements.
  2. Ensure proper permissions and configurations for email alerts to function correctly.