Readme File

1. What server framework did you choose and why?

I used NodeJs as my server side framework. Node.js is a runtime environment and a library for running applications written in JavaScript outside the browser. It has the ability to run JavaScript both on the client, as well as on server side and therefore is very beneficial for resuability of the code . Also, Node.js has several online tutorials and references which guided me a lot through this project.

2. What client framework did you choose and why?

I used JQuery as my client side framework as it is a opensource JavaScript library that simplifies the interaction between HTML and JavaScript. It makes HTML document traversal and manipulation,event handling and Ajax much simpler with an easy to use API that works accross various browsers.

3. What aspect of the implementation did you find easy, if any, and why?

I have never used Heroku for deploying web apps.But in this project I found deployment on heroku the most easy part of the project as all the steps to deploy the application on Git Hub and then to Heroku are mentioned systematically in their respective web sites.

4. What aspect of the implementation did you find hard, if any, and why?

The difficult part of implementation was working on node.js. It took me time to understand how node.js works,how it uploads the json data on the server and how to fetch the data from server.Since I am new to web programming it took me time to understand the working of server.

5. What components OTHER than your client and server framework did you install, if any, and if so, what is their purpose for your solution?

I installed WebStorm 10.0.4 IDE for this project. As it is a powerful IDE,for complex client-side development and server-side development with Node.js.

6. What Ubuntu commands are required to deploy and run your server?

I developed my project on windows so there are no major Ubuntu commands. There are some commands that I used in windows to deploy the app on Git Hub and Heroku Server.

Commands used on GitHub:

git init
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin 
git push -u origin master

Commands used on Heroku:

Download Heroku Toolbelt for Windows
heroku login
git clone
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open