CRA Fullstack MERN Web App - User Blogging Platform

This is a full-stack MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) web application that provides a user-friendly platform for users to register, login, view blogs with images and text, upload their own blogs, and perform actions such as editing and deleting their own blogs.

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  • User Registration: Users can create a new account by providing their necessary details, including name, email, and password.

  • User Login: Registered users can log in using their credentials to access the blogging platform.

  • Blog Viewing: Users can view blogs created by themselves as well as other users. Blogs will include both text and images.

  • Blog Creation: Users can create and upload their own blogs, including text content and accompanying images.

  • Blog Editing: Users have the ability to edit the blogs they have created, allowing them to modify the content or update images.

  • Blog Deletion: Users can delete their own blogs if they no longer wish to keep them on the platform.


1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone <repository_url>

2. Navigate to the project directory.

cd project-directory

3. Install the dependencies for the server.

cd server

npm install

4. Install the dependencies for the client.

cd client

npm install


1. Create a .env file in the server directory and configure the following environment variables:



2. Update the MongoDB connection string (<MongoDB_connection_string>) with your own MongoDB database credentials.


1. Start the server.

cd server

npm start

2. Start the client.

cd client

npm start

3. Access the application in your browser.



Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue in the repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.