Use ES6 Generators to paginate through large Postgres result sets You'll need to use Node 4.2.0 and up
npm install pg-gen --save
const PgGen = require( 'pg-gen' );
const pg = require( 'pg' );
const conn = process.env.DATABASE_URL;
const client = new pg.Client( conn );
// assume the necessary pg client connection stuff here ....
const pgGen = PgGen( { pg: client } );
const query = `select * from table_with_so_much_data`;
const gen = pgGen.atMost( 10 ).lazyQuery( query );
gen().then( ( result ) => {
console.log(result); // an array with at most, 10 items
gen().then( ( result ) => {
console.log(result); // an array with the NEXT 10 items
// Do this until result has a length of 0
Each generator execution will return no more than the specified number of items. It may return less upon reaching the end of the result set. A return of 0 means there is no more data.
lazyQuery([query=string], [params=object])
You'll need to have a (running) database and a table with data in order to run the tests. Create your test environment like so
$ echo "DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:$ecret@localhost/test_db" >> test/test.env
$ echo "TEST_TABLE=test_table" >> test/test.env
$ npm test