Adlister Project

This is the project that we will be going through in the latter part of the Java curriculum.


  1. Make sure all of your previous work is committed, and your working directory is clean.

    git status

    This is good practice in general before manipulating a git repository

  2. Checkout the corresponding branch

    For example:

    git checkout servlets-start
  3. Create and switch to a new branch for your work on the exercise

For example:

git checkout -b servlets-exercise

**It is very important that you create and switch to a new branch here, if
you do not, your work and commits could be lost!**

At this point, you could merge your previous work into the current branch,
or start "fresh" from the branch you just created
  1. Add and commit as you work your way through the exercise

  2. Push your branch

  3. (Optionally) Check out the branch containing the solution for the exercise

    All of the branches that correspond to each exercise also have a branch suffixed with -end

hello there added jsp files added pizza order added color page still working guessing game finished mvc exercise cookies done adding my database and using JDBC finished jdbcexercise login db finishing practices user input register jsp cross site scripting handling user input error cases and provide feedback to user added hashing for passwords