
This file contain, JavaScript interview question with basic use cases.

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This file contain, JavaScript interview question with basic use cases. [06/01, 11:35 am] Nandlal Saw: 1.CSS (Flexbox) 2.Arrow Function 3.LinkedList 4.Ternary Operator 5.arrays
7.inbuilt functions, 8.logical operators ,
9.if else , 10.Closures
11.while loop , 12.for loop, 13.Objects , 14. Css selectors, 15.event loop,
16.Local Storage,
17.Sliding Window technique , 18. Stacks, 19.Promises , 20.settimeout,
22.var, 23.let ,
24.const, 25.arrays , 26.Hoisting,
27.Constructor Functions,
28.Prototype, 29. Difference between DOM and Virtual DOM
30.High order Functions 31. CSS Position property 32. Call-backs in JS
33.Debouncing 34.Call,Apply,Bind 35.Undefined and null 36.State 37.Props 38.Bubble sort 39.hooks in react js 40.lifecycle methods in reactjs 41.class and function based component 42.Useeffect 43.Useref 44.Detailed topic:Pros and cons of using promises instead of callbacks 45-Usecontext 46-Babel 47.Detailed topic-React Router 48.Selection sort 49.What is JsX 50.Prop drilling in react 51.Detailed:What is react its advantages and disadvantages 52.React Dom server 53.Strict mode in react 54.Detailed topic:USEreducer 55.JSON server 56.Tools and technique for debugging code in js 57.Classes with getter and setter 58.Queue in DSA 59.Currying in js 60.Pros and cons of immutibility 61.Event delegation in js 62.Memoization 63.Use memo 64.Redux 65.Throttling 66.Two pointer technique 67.Time complexity 68.Middleware in Redux 69.Redux devtools 70.State lifting 71.Redux thunk 72.Space complexity 73.Typescript 74.How we use Typescript 75.What is Nodejs 76.All javascript errors 77.Useselector in redux 78.Nodejs basic operations Ex: readfilesync etc. 79.What is HTTP 80.What is express 81.Middlewares in Express 82.What is Mongodb 83.Mongo CRUD operation 84.What is Mongoose 85.Mongoose basic operations 86.Relationships and populate 87.JS(OOPS concept) [06/01, 11:36 am] Nandlal Saw: 88.JSON Server Crud operations 89.Displays in CSS (EX:display:block)