
Playing around with PostGIS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stand Locator using PostGIS:

This project serves a Node.JS server that reads from a PostGRES Database running the PostGIS extension. 
I took a CSV which contains the lat/long details of every Starbucks in the world and used these to
represent my stands in my database. 

How to Run Project

Prerequistes: Have Docker installed on your machine. 
1. Clone this project
2. docker-compose run --rm start_dependencies
3. docker-compose up -d

Server should be running.


/stands/nearest -> Returns the closest stands to a lat/long point  
  Query Parameters:  
   > lat: Latitude  
   > lng: Longitude  
   > count: (default 5) Amount of results
/stands/region -> Returns the stands contained in a region  
  Still a WIP.