This repository has been merged with the main premake-core source code. It will be deleted once everyone has had a chance to get switched over to the new location (probably Jan 2017).
Premake Extension to support the D language
- Support actions: gmake, vs20xx (VisualD)
- Support all compilers; DMD, LDC, GDC
- Support combined and separate compilation
Simply add:
language "D"
to your project definition and populate with .d files.
- flags
- CodeCoverage
- Deprecated
- Documentation
- GenerateHeader
- GenerateJSON
- GenerateMap
- NoBoundsCheck
- Profile
- Quiet
- RetainPaths
- SeparateCompilation
- SymbolsLikeC
- UnitTest
- Verbose
- versionconstants
- versionlevel
- debugconstants
- debuglevel
- docdir
- docname
- headerdir
- headername
The contents of your premake5.lua file would be:
solution "MySolution"
configurations { "release", "debug" }
project "MyDProject"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "D"
files { "src/main.d", "src/extra.d" }