- 2
[FEATURE] - Custom generator
#414 opened by foyarash - 10
Incorrect operation of upload property in avatar field configuration in next-admin library
#480 opened by joriksp - 2
[FEATURE] - Upgrade package to support Next.js 15
#479 opened by yasinkocak - 3
- 0
- 11
[BUG] - Error on Action executed
#475 opened by ogoldberg - 1
[FEATURE] - Increase model depth
#443 opened by kaluxxx - 1
- 2
- 0
[FEATURE] - Make Next-Admin ORM agnostic
#463 opened by foyarash - 1
- 1
- 0
[FEATURE] - Make Next-Admin framework agnostic
#464 opened by foyarash - 0
Add a skeleton for the rich text component
#462 opened by foyarash - 0
Improve drag & drop on mobile
#461 opened by foyarash - 1
[BUG] - Error serializing `.locale`
#452 opened by tevli - 2
[FEATURE] - Conditional actions on one record
#430 opened by nmalzieu - 2
[BUG] - action successMessage / errorMessage shown only on resource list, not on resource edit page
#434 opened by nmalzieu - 2
[FEATURE] - Text align on rich text
#437 opened by kaluxxx - 1
- 1
- 0
[FEATURE] - Scaffold CLI
#413 opened by foyarash - 1
- 0
- 1
[BUG] - Image is missing required "width" property
#420 opened by zbeyens - 4
- 1
Feedback for “I18n”
#425 opened by kaluxxx - 2
- 15
[FEATURE] - Ability to add custom columns
#401 opened by eng-ahmad-sameer - 1
- 1
- 2
[FEATURE] - Loading animation
#364 opened by ogoldberg - 1
[FEATURE] - Conditional rendering
#372 opened by cregourd - 4
- 3
[FEATURE] - Add before and after hooks to models
#386 opened by FacundoSpira - 1
- 2
[BUG] - One-to-One prisma relation displayed as an empty area in the list layout
#393 opened by eng-ahmad-sameer - 1
[CHORE] - Upgrade Headless UI to v2
#396 opened by foyarash - 3
[FEATURE] - Add support for an Advanced Search
#346 opened by malaney - 1
[FEATURE] - add `links` property to the NextAdminOptions to control which field should be linked to the “edit” page
#383 opened by shifenhutu - 0
[BUG] - Showing warning You're using `next/head` inside the `app` directory, please migrate to the Metadata API
#380 opened by mahbd - 0
- 3
- 5
- 2
[FEATURE] - Give Rich Text Field a fixed height with scroll and a draggable corner to adjust size
#348 opened by ogoldberg - 6
[FEATURE] - Enable grouping of fields
#356 opened by malaney - 1
- 0
[BUG] - Cannot build app
#349 opened by PikPakPik - 1
[FEATURE] - Keep untouched fields as null
#345 opened by nahtnam - 5