
Template to create a web application with Wicket + Guice + Hibernate

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Web application template with support for Wicket + Guice + Hibernate


  • Java 8
  • Maven
  • PostgreSQL server 9.x
  • Bash (optional)
  • PostgreSQL client (optional)

Run your project in less than 5 minutes

Setup project

Open your terminal and run the following command:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.premiumminds -DarchetypeArtifactId=pm-wicket-archetype

Next, you will be asked to fill in the following properties:

  • groupId - the group id for your application artifact
  • artifactId - the artifact name of the application
  • version - your initial version (defaults to 1.0-SNAPSHOT)
  • package - the project's base java package (usually groupId.artifactId)
  • SMTPFrom - your SMTP from address (used when you are in debug only)
  • SMTPPassword - your SMTP account password (used when you are in debug only)
  • SMTPServer - your SMTP host address (used when you are in debug only)
  • SMTPUsername - your SMTP account username (used when you are in debug only)
  • applicationTitle - the full name of your project. It will show up in your application's homepage
  • databaseHost - the development database host. Usually localhost (port defaults to 5432)
  • databaseName - the development database name (doesn't need to already exist)
  • databasePassword - The database password
  • databaseUsername - The database username
  • debugEmail - all emails will be sent to this address, while in DEV environment

Now validate that all your properties are correct and confirm. Your project is now set up :)

Create database schema

Create the database manually. The archetype includes Flyway and will create the schema automatically when it runs.

Run it

...now for the moment you've been waiting for, just type in:

mvn jetty:run

Open your favorite browser at http://localhost:8080. You will be presented with your application's login screen.

The default user is template@premium-minds.com with password test

Continuous Integration

Java CI with Maven


Copyright (C) 2014 Premium Minds

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence