Custom Wrapper to Watson Assistant to interact with Watson Openscale
- node 12.16.1
- npm 6.13.4
- Install the dependencies.
npm install
- Add the following environment variables:
- WATSON_ASSISTANT_API_URL [your watson assistant api url]
- WATSON_ASSISTANT_APIKEY: [your watson assistant api key]
- WATSON_ASSISTANT_ID: [your watson assistant id]
- Start the server
npm start
- Copy the contents of
- Add the following values in the config file:
- WATSON_ASSISTANT_API_URL [your watson assistant api url]
- WATSON_ASSISTANT_APIKEY: [your watson assistant api key]
- WATSON_ASSISTANT_ID: [your watson assistant id]
- Deploy using
👤 Prem Piyush Goyal
- Github: @prempiyush
- LinkedIn: @prempiyush
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