
Normalizes JSON API responses for Redux and Flux applications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Normalizes JSON API responses according to a schema for Flux and Redux apps. More on JSON API. Thanks to paularmstrong and Dan Abramov for building normalizr where the original idea of this library came from :)


npm install --save normalize-json-api

The Problem

  • You have a JSON API sideloaded objects ;
  • You want to port your app to Flux or Redux;
  • You noticed it's hard for Stores (or Reducers) to consume data from nested API responses.

normalize-json-api takes JSON API and

For example,

  data: {
    id: 1,
    type: 'articles',
    attributes: {
      title: 'Shoes',
      'is-favorite': false,
    relationships: {
      author: {
        data: {
          type: 'users',
          id: 9,
  included: [
      type: 'users',
      id: 9,
      attributes: {
        'first-name': 'Marie',
        'last-name': 'Brizard',
        twitter: 'mb',

can be normalized to

  results: {
    articles: [1],
    users: [9],
  entities: {
    articles: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        type: 'articles',
        title: 'Shoes',
        isFavorite: false,
        author: 9,
    users: {
      9: {
        id: 9,
        type: 'users',
        firstName: 'Marie',
        lastName: 'Brizard',
        twitter: 'mb',






normalize-json-api was inspired heavily by normalizr