Hanglish notepad

Font editor: http://www.pentacom.jp/pentacom/bitfontmaker2


  • top line (not ascenders) = the row with $
  • ascenders and descenders = 3px (up to the row with a)
  • midline: the line between test drive and map
  • left side: leave the leftmost column blank (except for e & E)
    • TODO actually prob move e & E to the right like everything else, this sort of thing should be accomplished with kerning
  • m should be a square
  • TODO /au/ width
  • TODO semicolon (& colon) design
  • TODO should large punctuation (?!) be bigger?

a o e u i n t s r d l k E

b c = ch d (f) g h j k l m n N (capital) = ng p r s S (capital) = sh+ t T (capital) th+ v w y (z)

a e i o u


' = interpunct " ' = ` , . : ; ? !

( )

@ = au